Speeding up the hiring process, without sacrificing quality
Talent comes and goes, and before you know it you have a space to fill and fast. You know you need to find the best new hire possible, but you don’t have the luxury of time. There’s also a lot of competition when it comes to recruiting the best talent, so your company needs to be proactive with the hiring process. While organizations have the right idea by taking their time during the hiring process to ensure they get the highest quality talent and a good fit, this can result in a long delays and wasted money.
Businesses benefit from filling their open positions quickly and efficiently. The unemployment rate for highly skilled candidates is low. That means companies need to be on the top of their game to get the best talent. Luckily, you don’t have to sacrifice quality in order to speed up your hiring process. This guide will share the best tips for boosting the speed of the hiring process without a complete overhaul.
Hire from within
One of the most obvious ways to ensure a quick hiring process is also the most easily overlooked. By notifying current employees of an open position, you might be able to find a qualified candidate from within. Hiring from within has a lot of benefits. You don’t have to spend time or money training said employee on company policies or expectations, and you’re probably already familiar with their work habits.
Companies that hire from within also improve employee retention. Employees like to work at places where they feel valued, and where they have room to grow. Promoting from within is the best way to show employees you see them as an investment, and that you care about their career growth. Hiring from within the company is always a win/win situation.
Master the job description
Any quick scan of top job listings will show you that there’s a significant rift between hiring managers and on-the-job positions. Job listings are often confusing and unclear. Candidates should be able to quickly recognize if the job is a good fit for their skill and experience level. Be incredibly clear about qualification requirements and expectations so you don’t waste time on the wrong candidates.
To get the most accurate job description, you can utilize managers, current employees, and logs from past employees. What tasks were they doing every day? What were their responsibilities? What education and skills are ideal for this position? By articulating the position accurately, you can ensure you’ll get a better group of applicants the first time.
Source the best job boards
If you’re hiring for nursing jobs, you would want to use a job board for the health industry. Similarly, tech positions belong on IT boards. These industry-specific boards were created to attract candidates with the right experience in these fields.
Take the time to source the best boards that make the most sense for your open position. You’ll likely want to use more than one board if you aren’t seeing the right level of results. Use clear criteria when searching depending on experience level, industry, and position.
Be selective with interviews
You should only interview the most qualified candidates. Too many hiring managers waste time interviewing candidates they don’t even feel are the right fit in the first place. While it’s okay to be flexible with first-round interviews, you should have a set of standards you stick to when interviewing candidates. You should have a resume screening process to eliminate poor-fit applications early in the process.
While it’s tempting to interview as many as 10 potential candidates, this is time-consuming and likely won’t warrant any different results than if you brought in the best 3-5 candidates based on their resume. Trust your gut when reviewing resumes and avoid any red flags that don’t feel right on paper.
Trim the interview process
The longer you draw out the interview process, the more likely candidates will receive a competing offer or lose interest in your company. Look for ways to trim your interview process to make a lean timeline. For instance, ask for references up front in the interview process so you can begin the process of calling as soon as you know which candidates will continue to the next round.
For initial interviews, you might even want to opt for phone or video interviews to save time until you’ve narrowed your search. Holding informational meetings is another way of sharing information about the open position and attract the right candidates from the start. Finally, if time and money are a problem, consider outsourcing the entire process to a staffing company or a consultant who can oversee these tasks.
Speeding up the hiring process has a lot of benefits both for your organization and for applicants. The world is moving faster than ever, and companies have to move quickly to recruit the best talent. Your employees are your biggest asset as a business, so you should take the hiring process seriously.
Credits photos : Unsplash Author : Ashley Lipman
Author: Fabien

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