Regionsjob announced yesterday that their online recruiting and training group had a new name: Hellowork. In light of this unexpected news, we contacted the Deputy Chief Executive Officer, David Beaurepaire, to find out just what this means for the future of Regionsjob.
What is Regionsjob?
For those of you who don’t yet know Regionsjob, it is one of the biggest online recruitment and training companies in France. For the last 18 years, they have been connecting recruiters with the right candidates for their vacancies and they have improved the digital recruitment strategies of their clients by using the latest technology in the field of recruiting. Regionsjob has been growing rapidly over the past few years: they bought some smaller companies to expand their reach and recruiting tools (Cadreo, Parisjobs, Jobtrotters, Jobijoba) and they aligned with companies like Aladom to remain on top of the developments in similar fields to their own. With Aladom, they also invested in, a classifieds website created by the same people who brought us Jobintree and Keljob.
Why get a new name?
The companies that Regionsjob has acquired recently have more of a European presence and they would like to expand their brand to a wider group of clients, recruiters, companies, candidates, etc. Regionsjob as a name no longer reflects the entire sphere of their business and various job boards. Over the next five years, Regionsjob hopes to gain recognition in Europe for its recruiting, employment and training expertise in the same way it did in France. To compete on a more global market, their brand name needs to reflect their entire group.
Why “HelloWork”?
The name HelloWork was actually created in March 2017 when Regionsjob and BDM (Blog du Modérateur) joined forces. The original website was, but now they are looking to use the same positive name — that embraces work in general — to consolidate their different employment related websites. The “about us” sections on the different job boards will now direct you to the homepage.
What other changes can we expect to see?
As far as their websites are concerned, the new name won’t bring about any drastic changes (not yet anyway). Regionsjob will still exist with France as its main focus. Their current clients will still be in contact with the same staff. The company name has changed, but Regionsjob will remain a part of their collection of brand names.
The move announces other evolutions within the company, like the restructuring of the internal management. The current managing director of Regionsjob, Jerome Armbruster, has been given a new title (the president of the company) with a focus on the company growth and François Leverger is taking over as the managing director of HelloWork. Various teams will focus on restructuring and sharing new organizational methods in order to create more unity among the different business groups. By investing in a new name, the job board hopes to expand its reach to other European countries, so this is just the beginning of more developments.
Despite having some foreign investors, their business comes first and foremost from France at the moment and the group will continue to focus on the French territory. We will need to get used to HelloWork as a brand before it can create a stir overseas, which is why we won’t be seeing an English version of their websites just yet.
Utimately, “HelloWork” is Regionsjob’s way of letting us know that there is more to come. So keep an eye on HelloWork because they seem to like surprising us.
We hope you enjoyed our article about Regionsjob. If you would like us to address a particular topic, please leave a comment below.
Author: Ali Neill
As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website’s social media pages.

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