International recruitment, Recruitment

How to recruit in France

Maria / October 20, 2016

Cracking into the French job market as an international job seeker or recruiter may seem like an impossible task. The French are known for their hierarchical managing style, long lunch breaks and long-winded negotiations and for many who are not familiar with these customs, this nation can be impossible to understand. Here at Jobboard Finder, we have the extensive expertise from our parent company, Aktor Interactive, of working within the French market and with French companies; so we have compiled a guide to making your debut in France.

International recruitment, Recruitment

How to recruit in Sweden

Maria / October 13, 2016

Sweden is known for being one of the happiest nations in the world thanks to the generous employment conditions, comfortable social support and affluent lifestyle. But recently the country has slipped a few places in the world happiness ranking and people are starting to wonder if it still boasts the same high standard of living as it used to. Here at Jobboard Finder, we will be evaluating the labour market in Sweden and delivering you advice for your job search and recruitment campaign.

International recruitment, Recruitment

How to recruit in South Africa

Maria / October 4, 2016

Over the past few years there has been a huge rise in international investment in South Africa as more and more global companies are choosing to do business, set up offices, and hire nationals. As Africa’s biggest economy it is clear to see why South Africa is so attractive to the rest of the world and many see the country as a potential gateway to the economies and markets of the nearby African countries.

International recruitment, Recruitment

How to recruit in Australia

Maria / September 29, 2016

Australia’s labour market is growing rapidly and over the past few years we have seen the number of job positions increase exponentially. So much so that many Europeans are making the leap and emigrating to benefit from the high wages, good quality of life and compulsory Friday beer. Here at Jobboard Finder we have collected some info and tips on the Australian market for both job seekers and recruiters alike.

International recruitment, Recruitment

How to Recruit in Denmark

Maria / September 15, 2016

Denmark is renowned for being one of the happiest nations in the world and one of the best places to work in Europe, with employee welfare as a priority, decent pay, and generous holiday allowance, it is no surprise that the unemployment rate is one of the lowest to be found in the European Union. However, before everyone decides to move to this employment paradise, it is good to have some idea of the benefits and limitations of their job market. Here at Jobboard Finder, we have put together some information on how to run a smooth and successful recruitment drive in Denmark.

International recruitment, Recruitment

How to recruit in Russia

Maria / September 8, 2016

For the last couple of years, Russia has been one of the world leaders in economic success and it is unsurprising that many international companies have decided to jump on board and open offices in this country. Although Russia can sometimes seem like a foreign and unapproachable country, it is essential to remember during a recruitment campaign that Moscow technically is in Europe and that culturally this country is not completely different from the Western world. That being said, sometimes recruiters need just a little guidance with their hiring procedure abroad and Jobboard Finder is here to provide just that.

International recruitment, Recruitment

How to Recruit in Japan

Maria / September 1, 2016

It may seem that Japan has a similar business culture as the Western world but according to PWC’s 15th Annual Global CEO Survey of 2012 it remains one of the most difficult countries to source, find and attract talent. Many recruiters struggle with the task of hiring Japanese professionals because of a lack of experience with the culture and local business practices. Here at Jobboard Finder, we have put together some essential advice for companies looking to operate in Japan and a list of our highly recommended job boards.