International recruitment, Recruitment

How to recruit in Singapore

Maria / December 15, 2016

Recent studies have shown that Singapore’s abundant job market may not be so prosperous for job seekers as it once was. Nowadays, the number of active job seekers is a lot more than the number of available positions, for the first time in over 4 years. This means job seekers are having to lower their expectations to find something suitable. Here at Jobboard Finder, the world’s largest job board search engine and comparison website, we have thought that it would be helpful for all recruiters and job seekers to have a bit of market knowhow. That way they can adapt their international recruitment campaigns and job searches to fit the Singapore market.

International recruitment, Recruitment

How to Recruit in the Ukraine

Maria / December 8, 2016

It has been a tough few years for the Ukrainian job market and for the working population. To make things worse for Ukraine following years of political trouble and economic crisis, the unemployment rate is now rising. Here at Jobboard Finder we want to explain further what the characteristics and specific customs of the Ukrainian market, so we have compiled this short explanation.

International recruitment, Recruitment

How to recruit in Morocco

Maria / December 1, 2016

A few years ago, African countries accounted for nine of the 15 fastest-growing economies in the world and today Morocco is still building on this steady growth. In terms of both the employment rate and the job market; the results are holding stable and as an outcome recruiters are starting to recognize the potential this country offers to businesses. Here at Jobboard Finder, with our expertise in international recruitment, we know that launching a recruitment campaign in a foreign country can be a daunting task. That is why we have put together our advice for anyone considering Morocco as their new professional destination.

International recruitment, Recruitment

How to recruit in Malaysia

Maria / November 24, 2016

Recently Malaysia was named as the second most attractive country for talent in ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) according to the Global Talent Competitiveness Index. Thanks to the nation’s rapid urbanization and industrialization and the high quality of life, the number of available job opportunities has grown immensely. As this job market is very different from any other found in the west, Jobboard Finder decided to gather the most important information for recruiters and job seekers to help run a smooth recruitment drive in Malaysia.

International recruitment, Recruitment

How to Recruit in the Netherlands

Maria / November 17, 2016

Apart from the countless cyclists, abundant tulip fields and peaceful canals, the Netherlands is also known for being the 7th happiest nation in the world. This probably has something to do with the fact they boast one of the lowest unemployment rates in the EU, lowest crime rates in the world and promote an egalitarian society. Here at Jobboard Finder; we have brought together our insider information and advice for recruiters on how to lead a successful recruitment campaign in the Netherlands with this one easy summary.

International recruitment, Recruitment

How to recruit in Spain

Maria / November 3, 2016

Spain has been hit hard over the last decade with extremely high unemployment rates; this year it was even named the second most affected country in Europe after Greece. Coupling this with the financial crisis of 2008 and the low percentage of educated job seekers. It is clear to see that any recruiter or job seeker looking to find their place in this market should approach with caution and read the following advice, provided by Jobboard Finder.

International recruitment, Recruitment

How to recruit in the UAE?

Maria / October 27, 2016

The job market in the United Arab Emirates is unlike any other in the world; with the lowest unemployment rate in the world found in the capital city, Dubai, and a highly competitive labour market made up of 83.5% expatriates. Here at Jobboard Finder, we have put together a list of some key points that recruiters and job seekers need to keep in mind during their search.