Recruitment, Recruitment advice

Do you really need a Talent Relationship Management Solutions?

Dorota Beaurin / May 10, 2016

A trend that has recently attracted a lot of attention is Talent Relationship Marketing. It is always presented as the solution for companies with recruitment issues. It offers the promise to engage prospective candidate, create a strong company culture, find the best possible hires and maintain long lasting relationship with candidates. So let’s see how it plays out practically and if talent RH solutions really live up to their promises.

Global job boards, Interviews, Job board information, Job board interviews

JOBdnes – a key player in Czech Republic

Dorota Beaurin / May 3, 2016

To bring the spotlight to this interesting country, we recently interviewed one of our 896 job board partners and one of the leading job boards in Czech Republic. We spoke with Vladimír Dubeň who works as Head of S. M. E. Sales. He gave us some insight about Czech e-recruitment market and how he sees its evolution in the future. He then explained to us JobDNES strategy to keep increasing its market share and the new features they will introduce on the market.