Jobboardfinder News : HR worldwide Blog

How to write the perfect job advert

Cara Moore / January 23, 2018
Category : Recruitment

As a purchasing and publishing tool for Human Resources needs, here at Jobboard Finder we get to see our fair share of job adverts, good and bad. We thought that it might be useful to write out some guidelines of how to write a really good job advert that will get you high quality applicants reaching out to you in interest. Read on for our best tips!

Best job boards in Portugal

Cara Moore / January 18, 2018
Category : Recruitment

Today on the blog we are featuring Portugal and the best job boards available in this country! Keep reading to find out our tried and tested job boards that work best in the portuguese market.


Interview with LocuriDeMuncaCluj, a local job board in Romania

Cara Moore / January 16, 2018
Category : Recruitment

Today on the blog we have another interview for you! We spoke to Septimiu Popovici, an employee at the job board LocuriDeMuncaCluj, a regional generalist job board for employment prospects in the Cluj region in northwestern Romania. Read on to find out more about their job board activities and plans for development!

Top job boards in security

Cara Moore / January 11, 2018
Category : Recruitment, Specialist job boards

Welcome back to the Jobboard Finder blog! Today we will be having a look at the top job boards in security of all kinds. Security has always been a naturally important sector but nowadays its importance is increasingly at an incredible rate. This means the creation and development of specialised platforms for this industry has seen a boom in recent years!

How to recruit in Vietnam

Cara Moore / January 9, 2018
Category : Recruitment

Welcome back to the blog, where today we have for you the first country recruitment guide of 2018! If you’re looking to expand your international recruitment campaigns, why not consider looking in Vietnam?