Human Resources, Recruitment, Recruitment advice

Top recruitment & HR inspirational quotes for 2017

Maria / January 24, 2017

Sometimes in life, there are moments when small tasks may seem unbeatable and your work life balance gets knocked out of whack by your job. When you can’t seem to succeed in completing and crossing each thing you need to do off you list and you feel like giving up, it’s time to take a step back from the pile of work and consider your options. Other times, you just need an extra push to motivate you to do the best job in hand that is possible, and this is often difficult to procure from your colleagues and managers. That is why a lot of professionals look to motivational and inspiration quotes to give them the extra boost they need during the day to see them succeed and perform the best they can.

Recruitment, Recruitment advice, Recruitment news and technology, Social media

Snapchat used to boost recruitment!

Maria / January 17, 2017

In one of our previous articles we had explained how Instagram was becoming one of the hot trends for recruiters to expand their hiring audience and target a group of people who would be suited to their company. Seeing as social media platforms are the number one reason millennials are asking for smart phones these days, businesses are now getting a hold on social network pages to boost their employer branding and social media is proving to be highly effective for successful recruitment campaigns. This new generation are using Snapchat to broadcast themselves and in a way to publicize their skills on the internet for others to notice, so recruiters should start to do the same.

Recruitment, Recruitment news and technology

Top recruitment trends in 2017

Maria / January 3, 2017

It is always difficult to predict what features will appear predominately each year and which technologies will gain avid followers, as we don’t know what innovate ideas will be released during the year. However, the HR world is sure to be limited once again in 2017 by budget caps and resources, so we shall see if these trends do make an impact or not. Even small recruitment teams can follow these directions to keep up with the talent competition and produce successful business results without competing with the big names.

Recruitment, Recruitment advice

Recruitment marketing made simple: 3 easy steps

Maria / December 6, 2016

Turning a potential candidate also known as a lead, someone who has the qualifications and is suited to the job but may not know about the position or are not even aware of the company, into an applicant can be a very difficult and frustrating process for recruiters. This is when it is time for your business to step up the pro-activity and start using the marketing knowledge that you have available to you; in particular the principal of recruiting marketing.

Recruitment, Recruitment advice, Recruitment news and technology, Social media

3 Reasons Why You Should Be Recruiting on Instagram

Maria / November 29, 2016

Instagram has had an astronomical boost in popularity over the past 5 years and is now at the forefront of social media usage. It is competing with the likes of Facebook in terms of users and has even over taken Twitter on the number of hours the average visitor spends a day. In November 2016, over 500 million active monthly users were using Insta to edit and share their photos with friends and followers. Now recruiters are starting to realize that this is an untapped resource and medium to attract candidates during recruitment campaigns. This tendency that has started to appear more and more over the past few years is changing the way Instagram is being viewed by recruiters.