International recruitment, Recruitment

How to recruit in the UK

Maria / August 18, 2016

Recruiting in the UK can sometimes be overwhelming, that is why Jobboard Finder has produced some guideline hints and tips to help you consider all of the factors in this long and time consuming process that will ultimately avoid any costly recruitment errors.

Job board information, Job board news, Recruitment, Recruitment news and technology, Social media

How to Recruit Amazing Talent with Pokémon Go

Marc Mendelman / August 8, 2016

Nobody could have foreseen the cultural phenomenon that is Pokémon Go. The popularity of the game has divided everyone in two camps. Those who absolutely hate it, and can’t understand what the fuss is all about, and those who absolutely adore it.

As a recruiter, you shouldn’t take sides, and realize that this is a great opportunity to find some of the best young talent there is, before anyone else.

International recruitment, Recruitment

How to recruit in Poland

Dorota Beaurin / August 3, 2016

Are you planning to recruit in Poland? If so, you are in luck as Jobboard Finder has always the best resources for your international recruitment and we can help you with any challenge you might encounter.According to a survey among foreign investors most of the Polish workers are ambitious and high skilled and this is what makes Poland such an attractive investment area.

International recruitment, Recruitment

How to recruit in Germany

Dorota Beaurin / July 26, 2016

If you are looking to recruit in Germany there can be so many factors to consider, this is why Jobboard Finder has produced some guideline hints and tips to help you with that process and to help you avoid some costly recruitment errors.

There is more and more companies looking for sales people or business developers in order to get business in Germany going.

International recruitment, Recruitment

How to recruit in Norway

Dorota Beaurin / July 19, 2016

Norway has been ranked as the most attractive country for workers in Scandinavia, but that doesn’t mean it is always easy to recruit the right workers in Norway.

Being the World largest job board Search Engine we are well positioned to know the challenges you come across during your cross boarder recruitments and we can give you the best advice on how to succeed in your recruitment in any country in the world.