With a strong growth in the last 10 years, Czech Republic is ranked among the world most industrialized countries, especially in the manufacturing and automotive areas. With its stable and prosperous market economy and its central position in Europe it benefits, unlike most European countries, from a very dynamic work market with full employment.
To bring the spotlight to this interesting country, we recently interviewed JobDNES.cz one of our 896 job board partners and one of the leading job boards in Czech Republic. We spoke with Vladimír Dubeň who works as Head of S. M. E. Sales. He gave us some insight about Czech e-recruitment market and how he sees its evolution in the future. He then explained to us JobDNES strategy to keep increasing its market share and the new features they will introduce on the market.
About JobDNES.cz
JobDNES.cz is one of the job portals with the longest tradition. They have been present more than 11 years in the Czech market. JobDNES.cz offers a reliable and cheap online recruitment alternative for small and medium enterprises in Czech Republic.
Specific features that distinguishes the site from its national competitors
Our unique feature is the possibility to combine advertising at different media from one single system. Recruiters can advertise at job portal jobDNES.cz, news portal iDNES.cz and on our 3 newspapers from one central place.
They can also work on a daily basis with our 70 thousands CVs database.
The e-recruitment market in Czech Republic
Czech Republic candidates are very lucky. Demands of the companies are higher than market is able to satisfy. There is a lack of candidates in most sectors and especially in manufacturing.
Challenges in the coming years
The major challenges for our portal are to increase our market share and to attract on our websites large companies over 500 hundred employees. We see the future of the market in more complex services and “tailor made” solutions for the recruiters.
Next step for jobDNES.cz – Recruitment Software
This year we are gearing up to connect our job portal with a new recruitment software jobDNES profi. Then we´ll have a fully complete tool and this will help us to always increase Czech recruiters satisfaction and satisfy their needs. This is, in our opinion, the key to growing on the Czech market.
The recruitment software jobDNES profi is designed to make recruiters life easier.
It gives recruiters the opportunity to centralize all relevant information about the candidates they are in contact with. They can publish their job ads on different portals from a central dashboard, they can collect all candidate applications there. They can also save their candidate profiles into various folders and use several filters: from Pre selection up to Last round of interviews. They also have full access to a CV database, they can send massive invitation for interviews or they can refuse candidates.
Recruiters can see at a glance the complete candidate history and several recruiters from the same company can work on the system at the same time.
Your experience with JobBoard Finder
Job Board Finder is a useful service for candidates who are looking at international vacancies all around the world. Job Board Finder guide them in their first steps by letting them know about the different portals in different countries. We could suggest maybe translating your site into more languages, for instance Russian could be very useful for your users.
Vladimír Dubeň – Head of S. M. E. Sales
Vladimir Duben has been working for the portal jobDNES.cz for 8 years. He is responsible for its business and product development.
Before that he had been working for 8 years as a Business Manager for the international job portal CVOnline in Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Author: Dorota Beaurin

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