To create or not to create
Before you look into creating a job board, there are some things to consider. All over the world, job boards are used to post job offers and to look for work. However, there are already thousands of job boards out there, some more successful than others, with a variety of functions. Just look at the 965 job sites on our website! There are specialist job boards, generalist job boards, freelance job boards, governmental job boards, job sites for news portals, aggregators, etc. In France alone, there are over 200 job sites.
For that reason, it’s important to check what already exists. The Jobboard Finder search engine is a great way to get an idea of what has already been created. If you want to target a specific country, filter the search by country first. If you are targeting a specific audience, try looking through the specialist job boards. You can then read up about the job boards that resemble the one you plan on creating: the foundation date, the visibility, the job boards, how it works, statistics from previous years, the special features and any other information in the JBF opinion.
Even if we do our best to list all the relevant job boards out there, some newer sites (or irrelevant sites) might be missing! Double check with Google to be completely sure that the world needs your job board. Oh, and feel free to let us know if we’ve missed any job boards out there too!
Why ask the experts
Like with most activities, without the right experience, you run the risk of making mistakes. Maybe you already know how to create a web page, but you know little about job sites. Or maybe it’s the opposite: you’re a pro recruiter with little to no web developing skills. You might simply be overwhelmed by the idea of starting a job board from scratch all by yourself.
Some of the different aspect of your site that the experts will teach you about are the following:
- SEO. SEO means Search Engine Optimization and it is essential to understand it if you are working on the web. As the name indicates, it’s all about making your site “searchable”. If it never appears in a Google search, for example, no one will ever visit it. For more information, check out this article by Smart Jobboard.
- Wording. While working on your SEO, you’ll also have to work on your wording. So many studies have come out recently about the power of words (which words attract which candidates and which ones deter others). We wrote about the topic in our article on advert rewriting software but the subject needs to be studied extensively to optimize your future job board.
- Filters and sub-categories. This aspect of the job board can sometimes be overlooked, which is a huge mistake! If you don’t have enough filters, candidates won’t be able to cull the offers. If the subcategories are vague, recruiters might put their adverts in the wrong ones. We have additional advice on choosing the right filters in this
- UX design. UX design (User eXperience) and UX writing refer essentially to the interface. You want visitors to navigate around your website as smoothly as possible. For more information, check out an article about UX writing that I wrote for one of the biggest job board builders, Madgex.
Have we convinced you to call on the experts? The tricky part now is figuring out who the experts actually are.
The Job board creating experts
There are many different webpage designers out there so we can’t list them all. We did some research and came up with over 10 software companies from all over the world that either specialize in creating job boards or have made them in the past.
- Madgex. A big name in the world of job board design, Madgex has brought us job boards like the Guardian job board, TotallyLegal and the Executive Jobs for the Irish Times. We need to ask them why the difference between browsing and searching is the location though (in the filters).
- Since January, belongs to ZipRecruiter. Despite having a very attractive website itself and many examples of their work, it’s disappointing to see how many of the websites aren’t successful. It might just be an unfortunate coincidence. Check out the designs here: here.
- Ilab. A Moldavian group that makes gorgeous websites, ilab brought us one of the top job boards in Moldavia,
- Russmedia Solutions. A Romanian company that has brought us more than a couple of job boards, many of which are in Austria, but some German, English and Hungarian job boards have also come into existence thanks to Russmedia Solutions. According to their website, they are behind the CVOnline Hungary design and they also own the German classifieds website Quoka.
- Friday Media Group Ltd. If you know any of the Simply Jobs job boards, then you’ve already see some of the Friday Media Group Ltd work. Simply Sales Jobs, for example, is just one of the job boards they created. For more, check out their website!
- You might have trouble finding this site unless you include “the Netherlands” or “nl” in your search. The team created AgriFoodMatch and they definitely look professional.
- Stategies. Thanks to Stategies, we have job boards like Green Jobs in the UK. Recently, they have created a number of niche job boards, for spa professionals and liquor experts! Whatever the project, Stategies is willing to take it on.
- Smart Jobboard. This website offers more than just job boards; it also has an interesting blog on recruitment. Examples of the team’s work can be found here.
- Backbone IT Group. A UK based software company, which specialises in accessing the Chinese market. The group designed the Asian version of Global Sports Jobs.
- Tanitoss. Based in Tunisia, Tanitoss has created a number of successful sites, including the Tanitjobs job board.
- CommunityBrands. CommunityBrands is behind the WISEcampaign job board as well as some other job boards integrated into other websites;
- FastRecruitmentWebsites. Thanks to the job board software company, we have Cyber Security Jobs. You can check out their full portfolio on their website. Even if they technically create “recruitment websites”, it seems reasonable to assume a job board could use their software too.
- Osclass. If you want to create a classifieds website, then look no further than Osclass. While we don’t have any examples of their work, the site attracts 109.39K visits per month according to SimilarWeb.
- Exact e-business solutions. This particular company is a Greek based software company, which gave us Jobfind, the 4th most visited job board in Greece!
- Talenetic. Despite a fancy design, experience in the field and big names on the board like Eric and Keith Potts, Talenetic is sometimes difficult to access. Furthermore, the job boards it has created aren’t that successful, but they are beautiful. OilFinity and Nurses are two of my favourites.
- Jobboard Mount. Thanks to Jobbard Mount, we have job boards like the Educator and Bubble Jobs. On their website, an interesting “job wrapping” software can also be purchased if you just need to improve your existing job board. It’s been used by big names like TotalJobs.
- eJobSite Software. You can view different themes and examples of job sites when visiting this software company website. However, you won’t recognize too many names.
As we said before, these sites specialise in creating job boards. You can always opt for a different type of webdesigner though, like Wix for example.
The International job board experts
The job board creators build the job board website. However, when it comes to knowing the market and the competition, that’s another problem! With a database of over 960 job boards, the Jobboard Finder team are experts when it comes to understanding employment media. We test each job board based on a long list of criteria. Some of it is explained in the JBF opinion and some of it affects the algorithm and job board score.
Furthermore, unlike a job board creating website, which works mostly for a specific type of market, the Jobboard Finder team’s knowledge has no limits. We share our expertise in recruiting in different countries and fields in our How to Recruit articles. You can also contact the Aktor Interactive team for more advice on which media is successful and how to attract jobseekers.
For all those who aren’t look to create a job board, but just a career page, Kioskemploi group can do that for you! In the meantime, we have some tips for your current career page.
So there you have it! More than enough sites to start building your job board.
Did you find what you were looking for? If not, send us an e-mail and we can look into the topic.
Author: Ali Neill
As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website’s social media pages.

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