We recently interviewed Erik de Groote, CEO Qreer.com . He talked about Qreer.com its innovations, its commitment and he gave us his insight of international technical recruitment.
1.How would you describe Qreer.com and its current positioning in the European market?
Qreer is a niche job board in Software, Engineering & Technology providing companies all across Europe with candidates from 18 different technical education backgrounds on Bachelor, Master or PhD level. Our exposure exceeds 2.000.000 job seekers and our newsletter is send out to almost 60.000 technical recruiters.
We don’t believe in static general job boards anymore and have a unique pro-active approach towards (international) job seekers to make them aware of the jobs of our customers and generate exposure for the jobs listed.
2. What are the specific features of your job search engine that make it so different from your competitors and why?
We don’t believe that candidates in engineering, technology or software register themselves on broad jobboards to receive daily job mails including secretary, finance or administrative job offers. We believe the current economy has shifted to a content based and dedicated niche market where one only wants to receive content based on their own individual ambition, whishes or skills. We are founded to facilitate our customers (both companies and job seekers) to be able to do this in their own specific niche market.
Therefore also we don’t allow any commercial banners or images from tropical islands to change on the background with paid links that distract from the content the site offers.
3. More generally, how is the European e-recruitment market doing today? Have you noticed any trends?
In the past years we see a growing trend of the usage of mobile phones and tablets during the searching for jobs where on the other hand most applicants still use a desktop pc / laptop when it comes to the eventual application. What we also notice is that presence on Social Media and Social Networks is becoming more and more important to show another side of your company. The new generations jobseekers combine both to get an overall impression of the company they wish to apply for.
4. Why did you decide to create a technical career board?
There’s already an abundancy of job boards and to be honest, we don’t believe in job boards anymore. We use the job board model to facilitate our customers to receive applicants but have a very pro-active approach to reach out to applicants ourselves, something we believe is needed nowadays to generate awareness in the different target groups specifically the technical ones.
5. What are some of the major challenges your company will have to face in the coming years? How do you see the future of the market and your company/group?
In despite how the market will shift, it is in our culture and philosophy that we will adapt and will always find new ways how to assist companies in their recruitment process and support job seekers in the finding of jobs matching their skillset and ambition.
The market changes almost on annual basis and so will be the tasks in our company. We’ve adapted the US originating Holocracy model to enable this and make us adapt to any future market changes whilst keeping our internal culture and our missions and vision vivid.
6. What are the next steps and projects for Qreer.com?
We’d like to support even more companies that experience difficulty in their local recruitment activities and that wish to explore what Europe has to offer. Furthermore we’d like to integrate more services related to permits or residence questions and relocation services to further improve our service to both companies and job seekers.
Our model is deployable and future new markets will be in international finance, legal and expansion on global scale.
7. What do you think about Job Board Finder? What is your experience with our website?
I believe it is a very good idea to have a platform gathering all high quality job boards in all the niches that exist and have 1 place to find and explore these. With Qreer we strongly belief in a niche approach and see that both job seekers as well as companies benefit from that.
The contribution of Jobboard finder is highly appreciated and we strongly support this idea. Improvements can be found in further growth and reach and possibly more lead generation for the boards attached?
Qreer.com was founded in 2010 by Erik de Groote and he and his fast growing team have many years of experience in international (technical) recruitment. The teams in Netherlands and UK are responsible for the current growth the company experiences and will continue to expand their services.
Author: Dorota Beaurin

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