The job market in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is unlike any other in the world; with the lowest unemployment rate in the world found in the main city, Dubai, and a highly competitive labour market made up of 83.5% expatriates. Companies looking to set up business in UAE should be prepared to hire from outside the country and support the candidate throughout their recruitment process and relocation period. With such a high quality of living and a lucrative labour market, it is clear to see why companies want to try new opportunities in the Emirates and why job seekers are keen to make the move to the Middle East. Here at Jobboard Finder, we have put together a list of some key points that recruiters and job seekers need to keep in mind during their search.
How to recruit in United Arab Emirates ?
Like many countries, during a recruitment campaign in the UAE there is a preference for local candidates which is then opened up to internationals after the preliminary round. This process helps maintain their low unemployment rate because it means nationals will be given the greatest chance and support for finding employment. Anyone travelling to the country needs a visa and so most people migrating will have already secured work before they depart. This means that recruitment happens online and through Skype interviews, rather than on paper and face to face. If the company has a regional office near to the candidate’s home country, applicants may be invited to interview there.
Recruitment law in UAE : Zoom
According to the law, recruiters have to cover all expenses for the recruitment campaign and the hiring of an employee. So if the company wants to hire someone from abroad, this will involve flying them over for an interview, putting them up in a hotel and paying for all expenses throughout the interview process, which can be quite a pricey experience. That is why more often than not; if a candidate is already based in the UAE, a company will make that person a priority. Most recruiters will also prefer to hire from within the company and offer existing employers opportunities to grow in the business.
The job market in the UAE is one of the fastest growing and booming in the world. Between 2015 and 2016, there was a 45% increase in the number of available jobs posted online in the Emirates. This makes the United Arab Emirates one of the best performing countries in the Middle East and North African region in terms of job opportunities. The booming sectors are most notably health care, education, and IT & telecom. As recently Dubai has been indorsing the country as a medical tourist hub of activity, encouraging foreigners to visit to use the UAE’s modern medical facilities.
Even though the UAE is known for its oil and gas industry, over the past few years the government has been trying to change the country’s reliance and the international focus from these energy resources to an industry of knowledge and non-oil sectors. This is why many international companies are looking to set up business in Dubai and job opportunities for the services sector and technology are thriving.
Jobboard Finder’s top job boards for the United Arab Emirates:
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Author: Maria

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