Norway has been ranked as the most attractive country for workers in Scandinavia, but that doesn’t mean it is always easy to recruit the right workers in Norway.
Being the World largest job board Search Engine we are well positioned to know the challenges you come across during your cross boarder recruitments and we can give you the best advice on how to succeed in your recruitment in any country in the world.
We already spoke about recruiting in Switzerland and Canada , and today we chose Norway as this country is becoming more and more popular among recruiters.
Job Market in Norway
Norway has a very strong economy and a relatively low unemployment rate. According to Recruitment Intelligence Group there is a shortage of skilled workers in Norway, particularly in the wholesale and retail trade, in the building and construction industry. There is also a shortage of nurses and certain types of engineers.
The two strongest developing areas of business in Norway are currently the information technology and communications sectors.
However the Norwegian labor market has a high level of skilled workers in various occupations that are attractive to many employers. It is also rather easy to find workers with a high level of English proficiency.
Norway will your best choice if you need to recruit:
· IT specialists
· Engineers
· ICT professionals
· Marketing and Communication Professionals
The best recruitment channels to effectively recruit in Norway
To find the best candidates in Norway you need to be creative and use as many different channels as possible. Many Norwegian newspapers advertise job vacancies. The largest national newspaper for job listings is Aftenposten . Still the majority of vacancies in Norway are listed on the Internet. It is a good idea to publish your advert via your company website or on some well-known websites.
Here is Jobboard Finder’s top selection for this country:
3. Jobbsafari
It is very common for candidates in Norway to take direct contact with employers and send open applications or presentations of your qualifications, so it is important for the employers to keep a track of all spontaneous application they have received as that could be a perfect way to find your perfect candidate.
Social networks recruiting
Using social media Is very popular among the Norwegians and one in five have actually applied for a job through social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn.
According to Mindjumpers around 11,6% of the Norwegian population have a LinkedIn-profile, which equals 542,583 Norwegian user profiles. 62.49% are men and 37.54% are women. 59,947 of the Norwegian profiles were listed as leaders.
In addition, there are 8,868 users in the marketing sector, 10,788 users in finance and 14,048 listed as students and in the educational sector.
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Author: Dorota Beaurin

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Thank you for sharing. Request for more details on the HR process and Procedures followed in Norway.