The cloud is becoming increasingly involved in the business world today. Everywhere we turn, we’re surrounded by the cloud. Its extreme support and easy services have made it the first business choice. Confused about what exactly cloud technology is? Scroll down to find out more!
Defining Cloud Technology
Cloud technology is the smart delivery of computer services, including servers, storage, database, analytics and networking to speed up the economic growth of a business. This smart technology is bringing noticeable change in the working habits of the business circles by channeling the workflow at a minimized cost as compared to the tradition recruiting process.
In this blog post, we will discuss the various advantages of using cloud tech in the recruiting process of the company and its impressive impact on enhancing the organization of the recruitment process.
Using Tech for Your Call Center
According to Convoso, today’s work pool is just as complex as it is diverse where sales are concerned. The recurring need is for candidates with specialized skill sets. When your business invests in cloud computing, you’re making it more flexible and reactive. There are several ways in which this can happen:
- Cloud-based call center software transforms the sales process, enables you to hire remote employees and make collective calls.
- A built-in CRM and tools like intelligent call routing, predictive dialling, skills-based routing and call recording allow more employees to work remotely.
- Employees can work individually on the cloud if they have internet access which means it is now possible to hire employees from anywhere instead of letting location stifle your growth.
Implementating and Updating
Traditional HR systems are known for being slow and problematic. However, the cloud is easier to implement and does a great job of complementing them without disrupting your business operations. It makes the overall hiring process, information flow, candidate acquisition, file storage and file format updating more cost-effective and hassle free.
Using Tech to Recruit Talent
Cloud-based business phone systems is a must for hassle free communication. It’s a great way to recruit new talent. There are several ways in which your business will benefit from this:
- Cloud Tech offers great opportunities for automation – to cut down on the amount of time required for completing tasks, especially mundane ones like social sharing, managing emails, and delegating tasks. Automation also helps your company in quickly compiling and organizing data by hand, thus wasting a lot of your employees’ time. For instance, there are application tracking systems that automatically import resumes to your software to narrow down candidates without sorting through lots of paper resumes or numerous emails.
You run less risk of having a bad match that leads to someone you’ve just hired quitting. Recruiting is expensive, so you want to get it right the first time. Some case studies have even shown that improving your onboarding and management practices over a three-year period can save you as much as $1.3 million. By using recruitment technology you will know what unqualified resumes you want to discard without tediously sifting through them. For instance, there are applicant tracking systems that have built-in resume parsing features that extract information from resumes and can be accessed with the hassle of flicking through the pages. Whatever the platform (e.g. social media, job boards, an email system), the software makes it much faster to communicate with everyone who’s involved in your hiring proces. You can meet high-quality candidates and not waste time with the others.
- You can create strategies for your business’ recruitment process by planning out the process. With various metrics available, such as candidate localisation, improved hiring process procedure, etc.), you can attract more candidates. These metrics will save you valuable time and money. You can also measure the success rate of your process and create data-backed strategies to improve your recruitment and selection process.
Using less Paper
Social Hire says you can use the cloud to digitalize your recruiting process. It will help you save money on printing while also making your hiring process more environmentally-friendly. You can simply cut down on the use of paper involved in the hiring process by opting for a smart digitalized process called Cloud Tech.
Improving Analytics
With cloud technology, you can compile various resources in a single candidate pool, which will eventually speed up the application process, easily spot talent and produce relevant and targeted results by using the big data insight. The built-in cloud technology helps you to combine your business profiles and create job openings by using global language, to quickly find the right candidates. Furthermore, you can access, develop and pipeline the interested candidates easily (both internal and external).
We’d like to thank Peter Davidson for this contribution. Peter works with different brands and start-ups to make effective business decisions as well as plan effective business strategies. You can follow him on Google+ and Twitter.
Author: Ali Neill
As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website’s social media pages.

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