This week we are going to focus on, a French website which deals with Human Resources news. It belongs to a media agency whose activities are dedicated to the HR sector, created in 2009. There are four entities in this agency: Design RH, a company which creates and develops web marketing solutions; myRHbook; Salon Talent Management and finally, the website we are going to present in this article. This French website is very useful for companies, professionals working in HR but also for all workers, especially because they share an important number of interesting articles on the latest work and company news and trends. We can find many different articles on HR news, talent management, HRIS, formation, recruitment as well as on labour legislation, salaries and also simplified pay statement. And this is a non-exhaustive list. We will therefore discover the website, how it is composed, and we will explain you why Jobboard Finder’s team think that it can be interesting for you.
Many various sections
- HR news : Diverses and varied news on HR, digitalization, labor law, formation, latest trends, recruitment, in a nutshell, everything that deals with the business world and its humans
- Calendar : all useful information about the different conventions on HR news and trends, especially in the Paris region
- Files : specials documents writen on precise HR subjects (well-being, digitalization, working time), investigations. Very interesting and well structured.
- Videos : interviews of HR professionals, companies, testimonials, convention presentation. It is sometimes better to watch the news than reading them!
- Directory : contact details of’s partners, in the sectors of HR expertise and consulting, software (PGI, HRIS,…), formation and e-learning, talent management, diversity in the workplace, etc.
- Investigation : studies, benchmark, solutions, pay (the studies are generally charged)
- HR Eshop : HR files, books, HR solutions (named « the HR toolbox), employer branding or HR studies to help decision-making procedure.
Why it is an interesting website
Even if the website is only available in French, can be interesting for many people. Indeed, the available data online is more than interesting for all HR professionals, but also for all types of workers. It is very useful for anyone who is interested in the latest HR trends, recruitment or labour legislation (especially in France). team is present on all social media, and they have the advantage to be always informed about everything in relation with HR. Also, their articles are very pleasant to read (not too long, not too short, and simple to understand).
So if you’re looking for information on HR in France especially, is the best website where you can find them!
If you wish to be accompanied by a professional hr firm in France in Lyon, Paris or Montpellier, we recommend Signature DRH.
Author: Anne-Marie

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