Last year, we introduced the Question of the Day on Twitter. Since we wanted all our readers to be able to enjoy the trivia (even without Twitter), we put all of our facts on recruitment and international employment into an article. This year, we have even more Questions of the Day so we have decided to slip the content into separate articles. Without further ado, here are our first 50 Questions of the Day from 2019:
- What is a “panda” (used in recruitmentwhen describing a candidate)? A seemingly trivial issues, many of which are utterly fixable, but can harm your career.
- Who owns Freshersworld? TeamLease.
- What amount do crore and lakh represent? 10 million and 100 000.
- Who owns ZonaJobs and Bumeran? Navent.
- Who owns and JobCloud, since 2013.
- In which countries does Ictjob exist? Germany, Beligum and Luxembourg.It also exists in France under the name Jobtic.
- Which are the top three languages spoken in Sir Lanka? Sinhalese, Tamil and English.
- How do you say resume in Japanese? 履歴書 (Rirekisho).
- When did HeadHunter first appear in the Ukraine? In 2005.
- Which part of France does L4M focus on? The North.
- What language options are there on the 51job Chinese job board? English, traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese. However, only the homepage is actually translated into all three.
- Who is behind the GumTree UK design? Madgex.
- Who is behind the GumTree Australia design? Marktplaats.
- What is the number one classifieds website in the Netherlands? Marktplaats.
- When did Rekrute change its design? In 2016 and then again this year.
- Where are the JobsFactor headquarters? In Malta. Read our interview with the team.
- Name a job board with handicap options for the visually impaired. Durshim and Vercida.
- Name a job board with a bee logo. DuaPune (from Albania) and (from the Ukraine).
- Name a job board that promotes diversity. Vercida.
- Name two job boards; which both start with a v and have a dominantly pink colour. Vercida and Vacature. If there are others, let us k
- Who owns Zeit Online.
- What is a Hiwi? An academic or student assistant
- Which Czech job boards belong to LMC? Prace, Jobote, and
- When did Burma become Myanmar? In 1989.
- What is the leading national job board in England? TotalJobs (Indeed tops the list).
- Which Burmese job boards let you select which gender can apply to your job offers? JobNet and JobsinYangon.
- Which job board created Jobbsafari? Jobindex.
- Which Jobstreet website is different to all the others? The Vietnam Jobstreet.
- What is the average salary of an executive in France? According to Cadreo, it’s 45 000 euros annual pay.
- When did the Czech Republic and Slovakia becomes independent countries? On the 1st of January 1993. For more on the countries, check out our recruitment articles on Slovakia (and the best job boards) and the Czech Republic.
- Name classifieds job boards with a box logo and a strong orange colour scheme. Jofogas (Hungary), Yapo (Chilie) and Leboncoin (France).
- How much did Alec Reed have when he started REED employment agency? He had 75£ in 1960.
- How old was Alec Reed when he created REED? He was 26.
- When was created? In 1995.
- When was Indeed created? In 2004.
- What is the second largest job board in the world?
- Who launched the “Come Home Phô Good” campaign? Robert Walters.
- What is the minimum wage in Colombia? 220.3 € per month.
- True or false: you need to be Brazilian to use Olx Brazil? True unfortunately. This is also true for a number of other Bazilian job sites, which require an identification number.
- Name a job board with a salary calculator. Pracuj, Careermine, etc. Check out our salary checker articles for France, Poland and the Ukraine.
- Which French job board changed its name to HelloWork last year? Regionsjob. We even wrote about it.
- What is the average worker’s salary in Finland? 3 300 euros in 2017, 3 456 euros in 2018.
- True or false: a foreigner can work in any profession in Russia as long as he has a working visa. False; and the same goes for Israel.
- Which Slovenian job board changed its name at the beginning of this year? MojaZaposlitev became Optius.
- The founder of which job board died from gunshot wounds in 2014? Carey Eaton, who founded BrighterMonday in Kenya.
- Which two African job boards have the same design? BrighterMonday and Jobberman.
- Name a Serbian job board founded by a brother and sister duo: Branimir Gajic and Branislava Gajić Stanojević launched PosloviInfostud in 2007.
- Name a European country with two minimum wages (depending on your level of studies): Luxembourg.
- Name a European country with no minimum wage: Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and more.
- Which job board’s founder was sentences to a year in prison for hacking into the site after selling it? That would be Rigzone (and the founder is David W Kent).
There you have it: the first 50 Questions of the Day for 2019! We have many more trivia questions on the way so keep following our Twitter page. If you would like to suggest some questions of the day, send them through to our team!
Author: Ali Neill
As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website’s social media pages.
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