Can Instagram be the next recruiting tool?

Kelly Desormes / October 22, 2015
Category : Recruitment, Recruitment news and technology, Social media

Last September, Instagram hit 400 million active users which makes the photo and video sharing mobile app a far larger social networking service than LinkedIn or even Twitter, respectively gathering a little over 380 and 315 million users. As a recruiter, it’s important to tailor your sourcing method to your target audience. Given that over half of users are aged between 18 and 29, Instagram may just as well be the next social recruiting tool to hire millennial talent.

LinkedIn innovates, updates and revamps

Chloé Delolme / October 20, 2015
Category : Job board information, Job board news, Social media

According to LinkedIn’s official blog, 80% of recruiters say the best channel to recruit quality candidates is employee referrals. Yet only 18% of recruiters are satisfied with the level of employee engagement their referral program receives. Traditional referral programs rely exclusively on employees, which often fails to be effective. Employees are likely – and rightly so – to get discouraged by a time-consuming endeavor and obscure software. Based on these observations, LinkedIn introduced last week their brand new referral product.