The construction industry has been through a lot in recent years. What with the housing crisis in the UK and Brexit, finding employment in this sector may be harder than people realise.
Many construction workers will just look for jobs on standard generalist job boards. For example, typing ‘construction‘ onto produces nearly 15,000 search results, meaning jobseekers in the construction industry are not limited to specialist job boards in their industry and can perform a search on any generalist job board and find success.
With that said, there are several excellent sites that specialise in the construction and building industry, and here at Jobboard Finder we have listed them here for you today. (UK)
This UK-based construction site is the leader for jobs in building within the United Kingdom. With its attractive design and layout and more than 610,000 industry-relevant candidates on their CV database, this is a good choice. The site not only advertises a huge number of UK-based jobs in the industry but also offers a decent range of international jobs all over the world. It has a powerful search-by-keyword feature and is, by it’s own admission, the “UK’s largest construction, engineering and built environment jobboard”.
Le Moniteur Emploi (France)
LeMoniteur has nearly 3000 job offers online currently, all specific to the sector and in a range of companies. They also have a very useful section where they discuss news from the industry, as well as how-to guides. In France, this is the job site to go to for recruiting in the construction industry. You can also apply for jobs directly from the site without creating an account, and there are several well-known and respected companies advertising jobs on this site.
Construction Jobs (USA)
This website is ergonomic and aesthetically pleasing, as well as very easy to use. It is America’s number one website for careers in the construction industry. On the website you can sign up for daily or weekly notifications for jobs that interest you. For recruiters, note that for the job posting feature it is limited by city. So job adverts are for one city only and not nationwide. Therefore it would be a good choice to source local candidates, but not for a national recruitment campaign.
Carrière BTP (France)
This site offers a substantial bank of information on construction careers in France. The website has a nice layout and is user-friendly. There is a decent selection of high-quality job offers so if you want to find a job in building work in France, this would be a good place to start. You can see their list of current employers on the site clearly too, so if there was any specific employer you wanted to target, that would be useful.
Batiactu Emploi (France)
This is another French job board for builders and engineers. There is information on things such as interview questions and good answers. Batiactu also offers a really interesting and well-structured list of all the average salaries you could expect in dozens of different roles, including over several years. For people considering entering this industry, this would be a particularly helpful guideline.
Bauingenieur24 (Germany)
Bauingenieur24 is based in Germany and offers a variety of information and jobs for the branch of constructional engineering. The site covers a number of regions, and offers are available in a huge range of fields of specific fields, including construction operation, constructive engineering and road and sewer construction.
We also recommend:
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Author: Cara Moore

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