The sectors of environment and sustainable development has become a leading recruiting sector, especially because of climate change, global warming and the willingness to change our habits and to respect the planet. Nowadays, jobs in the environment sector and sustainability are attracting more and more young graduates and people that want to develop professionally. And they are right to do so, because the eco-industry recruits, from technicians to engineers, in water, waste, pollution, energy, nature protection or even in education. In this article, we will give you a ranking of the top 5 best job boards in the sector, job boards very efficient for both recruiters and job seekers. These job boards are American and European and generally offer local jobs, however, you can still find jobs in environment on generalist job boards.
1. Conservation Job Board (United States)
Conservation Job Board is one of the biggest and most active job board in the environment sector. It is true that it covers only the United States, but that doesn’t prevent it to be one of the best. With more than 229,000 visits per month, the job board offers jobs in the energy and environment sector, but also in agriculture, fishery and all sectors that have a link with nature and conservation. The job board is pretty simple to use and pleasant to look at and to read. For recruiters, the pricing system is really attractive, and for companies and associations that look for volunteers, you can publish for free. So if you’re in the United States and you either want to post a job in environment or if you want to work or volunteer in the sector, Conservation Job Board is where you should look at.
Check their profile on Jobboard Finder right here!
2. (Canada)
Canada is one of the most sustainable country. And one of the world’s biggest job board dedicated to environment is Founded in 2001, the job board has in April 2017 more than 110,000 visits per month. GoodWork’s mission is to connect people that care about environnement all around Canada, and even worldwide. The team also helps communities and associations in the sector. It is the reference in Canada. The website is pretty modern and simple to use. It is available in English and in French, the country’s official languages. You will find many different types of offers, from volunteer to internship, and the pricing will be adapted to your means, that is to say if you can’t pay, then you could post for free, but you have to prove that you’re unable to pay. This is a very good job board for both recruiters and job seekers and to learn more, we invite you to look at their profile on Jobboard Finder.
3. (United Kingdom) lands at the third place of our ranking. Founded in 2002, it has now more than 64,000 subscribers and around 160,000 visitors per month. It publishes offers especially for the UK but you can find offers for Germany or other islands. It is a reference for environmental jobs in the UK. The website is modern and pleasant to look at. On the hompage you directly have the list of the job offers. There is also a page dedicated to volunteering, another one for job seekers, and another one for courses and events. We can safely say to this job board is updated everyday and that it is very efficient.
To learn more, you can look at their Jobboard Finder’s profile.
4. (France)
Emploi-environnement is the French leading job board in the sector. Founded in 2002, it has kept on being the reference for environmental jobs in France, with more than 162,000 visitors per month. On this website, the biggest French companies involved in environmental activities post their job offers. They also offer a CV database, formations and advice for job seekers. This is a modern job board and it is simple to use. It is a very efficient national job board that we advise you to use if you want to post or to look for a job in the field in France.
To learn more, check their profile on Jobboard Finder!
5. GreenJobs (United Kingdom)
GreenJobs is a good British job board dedicated to environment. It belongs to a media group that concentrates its activities on sustainable development. There is also a GreenJobs job board in Ireland and in Germany. The website is modern and easy to use, you can browse by different option and on the homepage there are featured employers and adverts. This job boards is still in expansion but it deserves to be in our ranking as there are very few job boards as dedicated as GreenJobs in this sector.
Check their page on Jobboard Finder!
You can also search other good job boards in energy and environment on Jobboard Finder. And with our Premium Offer, you can even look which generalist job boards post the most offers in Environment.
For both employers and job seekers, Jobboard Finder is the first decision-making tool for recruitment campaigns and job searches. By gathering tools and services that recruiters can use to search and compare employment websites from all over the world to find the best job search sites, it really is the best solution for recruitment needs. Today recruiters can also purchase job advertisements for the media they have selected and manage their postings directly from our unique platform. Then they can rate and review the job boards they have used in the past for our community of professionals to see.
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Author: Anne-Marie

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