As the population all over the world continues to grow, we will find that the number of doctors is insufficient. Indeed, one quarter of the actual doctors will have retired by 2020. We are in dire need of more healthcare staff and medical staff in general. In order to help medical establishments in their very hard recruitment process, a brand new website only dedicated to doctors called was launched by Agence Staff.
Agence Staff also manages and, two French websites in the social and health fields. Furthermore, a lot of doctors have been interviewed by Agence Staff in order to understand their expectations concerning the job search process. This study combined with Agence Staff’s 10 years of experience, has led to the creation of Profil Médecin, an efficient tool to optimize the relationship between doctors and recruiters.
The website audience is made up solely of doctors. The search engine and filters are adapted to what a doctor needs for his job search. Job offers are well-structured in order to highlight key elements for doctors who can then apply very quickly and without a lengthy appication process.
Profil Médecin also displays the key figures per speciality in the form of infographics or maps. You can see the density per county, staffing trends, the average age of applicants and the percentage of women…
Find out more about Profil Médecin:
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