Resume parsers in a nutshell
If you’ve never heard of a “resume parser”, then let us enlighten you. A resume parser, CV parser or resume extraction, allows information to be extracted from a document and stored in one place. The data is then easily searchable.
Reasons to use a resume parser
Even if most people upload their CVs to job sites using a word or PDF document, the format and page layout can vary greatly from one resume to another. This can make it quite difficult for machines to compare information on different CVs, which is why candidates sometimes have to upload their CV and fill out an additional online form. Additional forms means longer application processes, which means candidates are likely to abandon the process and look elsewhere.
However, if you can’t compare the different CV information in your database, recruiters are the ones who might drop your site for a more efficient one, which can offer better filtering options. As we’ve seen before, filters are arguably the core of a job board.
That’s why, more and more, resume parsers are being used to improve the recruitment process on both ends. If you don’t have one yet, then here’s a list of some of the best ones out there for job boards to incorporate into their software.
Examples of resume parsers
Much like job board software and rewriting tools, there are many different resume parsers out there so we can’t list them all. That said, we did some research and here are some of the more interesting ones:
- Linkmatch: This tool focuses on LinkedIn profiles. While LinkedIn already has a standard layout for each page, the parser lets you download CVs and keep them in your CRM. You can also compare and check which resumes you already have.
- Resumemantra: This company offers resume parsing as part of their candidate sourcing package. Aside from the cool name, the website also has an interesting blog with additional advice on choosing the right resume parser.
- Rchilli: Rchili is an attractive site, but it can malfunction sometimes, for no apparent reason, when you first open it. Not only does it offer a resume parser, but you can also see the analystics for better data concerning your recruitment campaign. The clever name refers to recruitment and chili as a hidden ingredient in the food which enhances its flavour, much like their tools can enhance recruiting. The parser works in several languages and can even find the candidates social media. For more insight into the company, check out their case studies.
- EmployAStar: Resume parsers are just a small part of what EmployAStar has to offer. Unfortunately, their own presentation of the resume parser has mistakes, which isn’t that reassuring considering their programs work on language.
- JoinVision: This particular company takes parsing a step further. It offers a multilingual resume parser, CVlizer, and a job advert parser, JOBolizer. You can extract information from all over the place and use it as you wish.
- CleverStaff: CleverStaff is a Ukrainian company, which offers resume parsing as part of a package. It has the added benefit of a tutorial video. Recruiters can download any kind of CV and it will be instantly parsed. Russian recruiters and job boards will be happy to hear the site is available in Russian.
- iSmartRecruit: This particular resume parser is also part of a bigger package. It guaranties your resumes will be unique (and not duplicated within the CRM). It is more for recruiters than job boards.
- AirCTO: An attractive website, AirCTO offers its readers and interesting blog, and its clients a multilingual customizable resume parser. What else could you ask for?
Reducing bias thanks to resume parsers
It’s great to be able to rely on technology to make resumes more readable for recruiters. Not only can you search for what you want, but you aren’t put off by an unusual CV layouts. From one country to another, the expected length of a CV can vary, not to mention which information goes where and how much is too much. Without referring to an extreme example, like the rirekisho Japanese resume, small differences can greatly affect someone’s chances of being hired.
In Anglo-Saxon countries like Australia and the United States, a personal statement appears at the top of a CV, which is usually a couple of pages long, and you are expected to remove any information, which could lead to bias or prejudice. This means it is best not to mention or include your age, marital status or a photo.
The expectations are quite different in a country like France. Most recruiters recommend fitting everything onto one page (unless you have been working for a long time) and most candidates include a photo. The other person information, like your age and address, are also on most CVs.
If you aren’t sure what the local norms are, you can check out the different CV templates and advice sections on the national job boards. It can definitely help both jobseekers and recruiters understand each other.
Avoiding bias in recruitment can be very difficult and we’ve looked at different ways to tackle the issue in the past, like focusing on recruiting women or opting for blind recruiting. Maybe a good resume parser can do the trick.
We hope you found what you were looking for thanks to this article. If you have any suggestions for our blog, we would love to hear them!
Author: Ali Neill
As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website’s social media pages.

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