Try as we may, try as we might, no one can deny that the salary is one of the most important factors of the job search. That doesn’t mean candidates aren’t willing to accept a lower pay depending on the other working conditions, but most of us have expectations. Some of us expect more than the labour market is currently offering for a certain position, others underestimate their worth. Thankfully, a number of job boards offer a wide range of tools and research concerning the salary in a particular city and/or a particular industry. France is no exception. In fact, as one of the countries with most job boards, France has more than enough information on salaries for every type of jobseeker. At the Jobboard Finder, we test job boards from all over the world, and we’ve come up with a list of the best salary checkers, job sheets and other salary information for those working in France.
The real salary checkers
A salary checker comes in many shapes and sizes. Some of them rely on statistics from the government, some of them rely solely on feedback from jobseekers and others rely on the job offers posted through the website. The advantage of having information that comes directly from companies and recruiters is that it is that they are the ones actually paying the employees at the end of the day. That said, the salary indicated in the job offer isn’t always the final figure once the negotiations get under way. Therefore, we have selected a mix of both:
- Keljob: a generalist job board, owned by the media giant LeFigaro, Keljob has a not-so-chronological list of professions, leading to info on each of them. You can see how the salary has evolved over the last 4 years, and there is also a list of the top cities as far as the salary is concerned.
- Cadreo: If you aren’t looking for an executive position, then sadly, Cadreo doesn’t want you. This job board specializes in high-profile professions, and the pay information (by region and by sector) is addressed only to candidates in top positions.
- Jobtransport and Jobvitae: specialist partner websites (one focuses on transport and logistics jobs, the other on health professions), they both have a salary sheet. The information (which includes age, gender, industry, etc.) comes from real employees/candidates. You can even fill out the salary survey and contribute!
- PôleEmploi: a generalist governmental job board, Pôle Emploi is the French employment office. The salary information is available by job title and region. Additional information about the job, the number of candidates looking in the industry (over the last 12 months) and the number of job offers advertised (over the last 12 months) are particularly interesting for anyone working the French labour market.
The job sheets
A salary checker is usually based on statistics, which means it can evolve over time. Some job boards offer job sheets instead, which provide information on the salary, as well as information on the position. The figures might change less frequently, but the job description can really help discover a world of interesting career paths.
- RegionsJob: as one of the leading job boards in France, it’s no surprise to discover that it has one of the most interesting job sheets sections. You can look up the job by name, by salary or by level of education. The informatoin is clear, so you know which studies to do, how the job can evolve, the perks as well as the drawbacks.
- LesJeudis: A specialist job board for IT professionals, LesJeudis has very detailed job sheets, which include the average salary, the top paying cities, the required years of experience, the recent job offers and the top schools! This is the kind of website you should show your children before they even start their university studies so that they know exactly where to go and what they’ll be doing later (and for how much).
- JobinTree: it might not be the most popular job board in France, but JobinTree does a lot of research so that its users don’t have to. The job sheets in alphabetical order offer more than just salary information: it could help candidates find their new calling!
- OuestFrance Emploi: originally a job website focused on the West Coast of France, OuestFrance Emploi now also hosts job vacancies from other French regions. On their website, the job sheets include the average salary, how to look for work in that particular position and how your career can evolve.
- AeroContact: this particular job board specializes in aviation and engineering jobs. In the “jobs” section, over 240 job sheets are a real asset for anyone wanting information on the industry, the required skills and the salary.
The salary information
If you’re new to France or you’re only just entering the workforce, payslips can be quite confusing. The pay and taxes in general remain a bit of a mystery for most of us. Luckily, job boards can also take the guesswork out of these basic aspects of work. Blog articles and downloadable documents on such information can be found on the following websites:
- Apec: as a national generalist job board (designed for executives), users can access the salary simulator to generate information on their salary. It is rather specific and there are a number of fields to fill out. There is also a section on the labour market and salaries in the “job observation” section. You can even download a 150 page PDF file on executive salaries in France in 2017 (if you want to become an expert in French executive salaries, for example).
- RegionsJob: one of the biggest job boards in the country and part of a much bigger network on job boards (HelloWork), RegionsJob has an interesting section on salary and payslips in France in their blog.
Depending on the kind of contract you have, you won’t receive the same net pay. For freelancers and temporary work, a number of specialist job boards are available. One in particular, Qapa, lets users calculate how much they’ll earn based on the number of hours and the hourly pay. Qapa specialises in temporary work, but there are many others like it. To find out more, check out over 140 French job boards on the Jobboard Finder, the largest database of job boards in the world. For more special features on these and other job boards, check out their profiles on the website.
Author: Ali Neill
As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website’s social media pages.

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At neuvoo, we’re extracting the salaries for every single job we collect from the internet and we centralize that information into our “salary” section on the site. Here is the page for, our french domain:
This is also available in the 65 markets we’re in.
I hope this is useful.
Thanks Greg! We have indeed tested Neuvoo in the past (personally, I love the taxberg). We didn’t include it in the list only because we wanted to focus on French job boards (whereas Neuvoo is an aggregator), but we will probably write an article just about Neuvoo and everything it has to offer international jobseekers in the not too distant future :D