Recruiting remotely has many benefits. It can bring you new skills that you cannot find around you, it can bring you new employees that have seen other things and who will help you develop your company by thinking outside the box. In the end, it also enables sourcing in a larger candidate pool, which means that you will have more chances of finding the perfect employee no matter where he/she is. However, how do you attract the right candidate for your remote recruitment? Here is a list of tips to make your remote recruitment process much easier
Attract them: build a strong employer brand online!
Your company may have charmed your on-site employees because they knew someone who worked there, because the building impressed them, or because they loved the atmosphere when they came-in for their first interview. All those material things that made them want to join your company, cannot be ignored. They obviously are in your favour. However, when it comes to recruiting in a area far away, your remote candidate will not be able to see all of that. That is why you need to build a strong employer brand online to attract them. Remote applicants will solely rely on your presence online to judge you. Therefore, if you want to have the best employee, be sure to be present on social medias, to have a appealing website that is user friendly and that promotes your values. For example, you could include employee testimonials, or you could describe the office work ethic or even create a dynamic social media account.
Your employer brand is the first – and sometimes the only – thing remote applicants will see from your company. Make sure it is perfect.
Know where to post your remote job opening
Posting your job offer for remote job positions is not exactly the same as posting a job offer for regular one. To deal with the right kind of people, who are interested in remote jobs, you need to post your offers on job boards that are dedicated to flexible and remote jobs; job boards such as Flexjobs for example. By publishing on that kind of job board, you are sure to find someone for who a remote job is important and who doesn’t mind the location. Moreover, you can try job boards such as Indeed or Monster as they are present worldwide.
Don’t rush it
When you have decided to hire a remote worker, you might be tempted to do it fast so you can start working with him and you will not have an empty position for too long, just like for any other recruitment process you might say. However, it is even more important to take your time when you decide to recruit remote workers, as you will not be able to monitor them. Therefore, you need to be sure they are trustworthy and they will suit with the work you are asking them to do as well as with the team you want them to work with. Multiple interviews and assignments are a good way to fully assess the candidate. This process is time consuming, but being stuck with the wrong candidate for months is even worse, and far more expensive.
Take advantage of technology
When a candidate has been through basic tests, has an amazing portfolio, and passed the phone screening with no problem, it is time for a face-to-face interview, right? Even if the first few steps are quite similar for a local or a remote candidate, when you get to this point, some logistical differences start to appear. Indeed, you cannot ask your remote candidate to come in for an interview. However, you cannot forget about the face-to-face interview either. Indeed, even after passing all the steps of the recruitment process with flying colours, some candidates turn out to be less satisfactory than expected. Worse, sometimes it is a total mistake. So forgetting that part is out of the question.
That is where technology comes in handy. Video chatting technology can help you get something resembling a face-to-face interview, but you can also find many solutions to help you get to know a remote candidate quite well, like real time quizz and assignments.
Do not forget to assess their writing skills
As your future employee will mainly communicate with the team by emails, it is important to assess their ability to communicate what they what to say through e-mail. If such communication is complicated for him/her, remote work probably isn’t the right path to take. Therefore, you need to make sure he/she will not have to call the team every time something needs to be explained clearly.
If you want ot know more about international recruitment feel free to check our other articles dealing with this subject
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Author: Armelle

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