This week we’ve had the chance to interview Melissa from YesJob, a start-up in Indonesia that offers innovative solutions to recruiters and job seekers. Launched in 2017, the YesJob mobile application (available both on Android and ios) allows job seekers and recruiters to connect with each other and find the perfect match.
Read on to find out more about this job board, how it works, its latest activity and future plans!
Can you tell us more about your job board and its current positioning in the international job board market?
We are a new job portal and currently focused on building out our job platform for the Indonesia market, our home market. We aim to be disruptive e-recruitment technology that competes heavily with the traditional and well established job boards in SE Asia.
At this time we are only available for use in Indonesia but have plans to expand regionally across SE Asia in the near term.
What are the specific features that make your job board different from your competitors?
We are the 1st Digital Recruiter and act as a Headhunter for our employer clients. The business has been built by a leading executive recruitment consultant who understands the problems faced by both employers and job seekers with traditional job boards.
We are also the 1st e-recruitment tool that can be used for absolutely any type of hiring / job. So we can cater to the needs of any type of employer and also job seeker.
Using our highly complex big data algorithm – called DRIve – we instantly connect Employers to the right job seekers for their job based on the employers specific job requirements. If a “Matched” job seeker is “Interested” in the employers job we automatically send the job seeker’s Digital CV straight to the employer – for free. If the employer wishes to contact a job seeker they just have to pay a very small fee. So payment is only on success.
Listing a job is totally free, so is reviewing Digital CV’s of job seeker applicants.
We provide job seekers with instant access to the best jobs, based on their personal background, education, experience and skills. With no job search effort needed, every time an employer lists a job requiring someone with their profile of job seeker, we instantly send the job seeker a “Job Match Notification” straight to their mobile phone – anytime and anywhere.
So with absolutely no job search effort needed, job seekers are kept informed of interesting and exciting opportunities where employers are looking for someone just like them.
What can you say about the current traffic on your website? What countries are visiting more often?
Our traffic is currently 100% focused on Indonesia, both employers and job seekers located in Indonesia
How do you plan to develop your job board within the next few years? Any new projects?
We have many exciting ideas to make YesJob SE Asia’s number 1 e-recruitment platform.
As I say we aim to be truly disruptive technology!
What are the main challenges you will be facing in the coming years?
Overcoming existing well-established job boards that have had market dominance for over 10 years. Educating both employers and job seekers as to the unique points of YesJob, as it is a completely different business to traditional job boards.
What do you think about Jobboard Finder and why is it an advantage for you to be registered on our website?
We think Jobboard Finder is brilliant as it provides quick access to job board data that both employers and job seekers need.
The fact it is the world’s largest job board locator says it all.
Also as Jobboard Finder is global it is a perfect place to be registered as our company evolves and grows. We love the idea of a partnership with Jobboard Finder.
We wish Melissa and Yesjob all the best for the future, and look forward to seeing their ongoing success!
We hope you have enjoyed reading this interview. Keep up to date with Jobboard Finder’s news articles and receive them directly in your mailbox by subscribing to our newsletter. If there are any particular topics you would like to see featured on our blog, please let us know!
Author: Maria

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