The Jobboard Finder has added a review page to each job board profile. Recruiters and job seekers can share their opinions about job sites and by doing so, help each other to find the job board that best meets their needs. A contest has been set up to celebrate this new feature. Looking for job board reviews? Look no further!
It’s very simple to leave a review on the Jobboard Finder. First of all, users have to give an overall evaluation of the job board, and then evaluate different aspects like the design, the service, the prices, etc. They have to select a maximum of 15 keywords from a list of adjectives or expressions to describe their experience with the job board. They can also add a text comment. Users are able to view and manage all their reviewsthrough their dashboard. After a review has been submitted, anyone who visits the job board profile will be able to see it.
This new feature gives both recruiters and jobseekers something new to consider. Now they can get the relevant feedback. The other purpose of these reviews is to help job boards to improve. Read our full article on
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Author: Kelly Desormes

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