If you have just launched a start-up or small business, or your business is still in the early stages of taking off, then you will know what exciting and challenging times lie ahead. However, finding the right people to share in the buzz is not always an easy task and for directors of small businesses the hiring process can be a very personal experience as it is a search for someone to share in your dream. Here at the Jobboard Finder, we have compiled a brief list of key points to bear in mind when you start looking for potential employees. Furthermore, we can help find the best job boards for all of your recruitment needs.
Take pride in the process
You may not be an HR guru or even have any experience with hiring, so you might not realise how important it is to invest time and attention in the recruitment process, especially if this is your first time. By taking your time with the search, you are sure to find the right candidates that understand your vision. Only you can know what your ideal employee is like and when you go through a recruitment agency, sometimes this vision is lost and the results are not what you had in mind. Furthermore, the people you will meet on this recruitment journey may come in handy in the future, so being involved in the search and interviewing process can really broaden your perspective and your network.
Be clear
Make sure you define the position that you are looking to fill. More often than not, small business are hiring someone to join a team and the position is properly defined. Try to be as specific in the job description as possible and explain clearly to the rest of the team what it is that the new member will be doing. Sometimes you need to hire an extra hand to carry out all the random tasks that the other members of your team don’t have time to do. Even if this is the case, you must define what these projects are in detail, so that the new employee knows what to expect. If necessary, you can even discuss everyone’s position in the company so that each staff member has a clear role in the team.
Use previous contacts
The key to a stress-free recruitment campaign is networking. Getting in touch with people you have previously done business with or even those who you went to college with, will often provide you with new candidates. That way, you can get a recommended applicant directly from a trusted contact. You can also consider social networking websites. LinkedIn is a great free recruitment tool for small businesses. By alerting your contacts to your recruitment process, they can let you know if they have any tips or contacts from their past experiences. Similarly, you can quickly assess any candidate’s suitability by checking out their profile, which can save valuable interviewing time in the long run. Social professional networks are the top source of quality hires around the world so make sure you establish your business’s presence on these sites.
Carrying out your first hiring process can be an exciting and stressful time, with a lot depending on your selection. Remember that this is an investment for your company and your dream. Therefore, take it slow, be methodical and don’t rush the decision. Treating your candidates with respect and take the time to get to know them. The candidates will appreciate the down to earth approahc and you could benefit from having many contacts in the long run for future recruitment campaigns.
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Author: Maria

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