Finding the right person for the right position has always been the goal of any recruiter. However, simply posting an ad on a job board and waiting for candidates to come your way is not merely enough anymore. Sure, this might work every now and then. However, the rise of technology and social media are new dynamics that are forcing an evolution.
Technology, society and the economy are transforming the market place and emerging talents have different drivers than before. This mean that you need to stay on top of the new emerging trends if you want to constantly attract the best talent in your field.
1. Google has become almost as important as a resume
With a 1 or 2 pages resume, it has always been difficult to judge the character of a person and know if they will fit well with the company culture. This makes up for disappointment and time lost in interviews.
Now recruiters can use Google and LinkedIn to screen candidates, understand their center of interest and get a grasp on their personalities before deciding to have them come for an interview or not.
2. The challenge is not to find candidates but to engage them
Sourcing candidates has never been easier. Recruiters can use Job Board Search Engine, social networks or recruitment software. But the challenge now, with so many people fighting for their attention is to engage them: how do you make them respond to your recruiting messages?
There are 2 main technologies each employer should consider:
– Use matching technologies to do more sourcing.
– Involve hiring managers early in the recruitment process: this frees up recruiter time while making sure the talent identified meets the recruiter requirements.
3. The reign of recruiting software
70% of recruiting organizations report using recruiting software. It centralizes the recruitment process, by automating job posting tasks, filtering applicants and helps recruiters build a talent pool.
In 2016, the use of Talent Acquisition Software will spread even more and we will start to see a new recruiting role appear: the recruitment marketers whose role will be to run campaigns, attract leads and develop passive candidates who already have a relationship with the employer.
4. Social proof : references are a must
We have discussed that a bad hire costs in average $15,000 to the company. Recruiters’ job is to reduce this risk.
The good news is you do not have any more to go through the old fashioned way of chasing down references for every candidate. Online profiles on Linkedin include references and testimonials for each work a candidate has had. This information will help you screen the right candidates right from the initial recruitment phase.
5. Video recruitment is a fast growing trend
This is a new yet simple concept: the first round of interviews are replaced with video recruiting where the candidate is given 48 hours to answer pre-recoded questions.
The candidate cannot pause or repeat the questions, so this works like a live interview. This is a time saver for the recruiter since he can record questions once for all and doesn’t need to be present. This will shorten the time to hire and save you money.
Recruiting is an art and a science on the same time. Recruiting technology can help you recruit faster, smarter and more cost-effectively. Watch out the trends above, sharpen your technological and social media skills, and don’t forget to exchange with other recruiters to make sure you always stay on top of your game.
Author: Dorota Beaurin

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