“ Great vision without great people is irrelevant ”
Jim Collins – Author Good to Great
For most of recruiters, technology is an essential part of the daily routine. It helps them in finding and hiring employees quicker while avoiding the potential mistakes linked with manually screening hundreds of CVs. Here are some new technological trends any recruiter should consider:
1. Video Recruitment
It is a growing trend on the market with players like Video Recruit or JobVite.
The concept is quite simple : the company replaces the first round of interviews with video recruiting. Questions are pre-recorded and the candidate is given 48 hours to answer it.
For the candidate it is live so he cannot pause or rehearse the questions, exactly like a live interview. Yet, it is easier to arrange since he can do it at his own convenience. This also frees time for the recruiter who can record the questions once for all and doesn’t need to be present. The recruiter can therefore better allocate his precious time to only the shortlisted candidates. This shortens the time to hire and saves time and money to the hiring company.
2. Social medias hiring
With 890 millions people a day on Facebook, social media have become massive marketing platform. And this is not only true for selling you clothes or concert tickets. With platforms like MyjobCompany for social head hunting, social hiring is a fast growing recruitment trend.
The idea here is that there is no such thing as a passive candidate. Everybody is a candidate all the time even if when don’t define themselves as “actively looking for job opportunity”. The challenge is in finding out how to reach those people on the right time and using the right platform.
Since prospective candidates are always more present on mobile devices and social media channels, recruiters need to be able to reach out to them and recruit them through those same channels.
3. Data driven recruitment
Big data cannot only help company win more customers. It can also help them attract top talents :
Talent acquisition : identify the best talent and how to make your proposal attractive to them.
Target your campaign : demographic analytics to find the best media for your job ad depending on criteria such as location, gender …
Retention rate : identify employees that seem to be looking at leaving your company, avoid their departure or plan their replacement.
What about you ? Has the way you recruit changed dramatically over the last few years ? What recruitment trends do you foresee in the near future ?
Please share your thoughts in the comments section.
Author: Dorota Beaurin

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