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Site's statement

A free service for Armenian companies and potential candidates. Launched in October 2016 with over 400 active users and and 150 companies within the first month making the quickest growing startup in Armenia.

Easy to use and direct communication with companies and candidates. Direct upload of CV's to companies makes us number 1.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: was created in 2016. However, despite how recent it is, it’s very difficult to find any information on the founders and its origin. On social media, Zed only had 5 Linkedin followers, 1 908 on Facebook and 14 on Twitter. It’s quite helpful for foreign users to have three language options: English, Russian and Armenian; and the design is straightforward. Unfortunately, the visibility is unknown.

Design: The homepage has no search engine, but rather, it presents the different services most job boards offer: search jobs, upload your resume, post free job offers. It’s quite simple. The categories are featured on the homepage with images relating to each industry. However, the job offers themselves practically never have a photo/logo and the companies are unknown (even if the names are sometimes given in the description). There are two videos on the homepage to advertise the job board. Once you have accessed the job listing, you can call the offers thanks to keywords, the location or the category (of course, there aren’t many job offers so there is no need). The job offers display the important information across the top of the page (location, position type, salary, views) and the description takes up the rest of the page.

The job board objective: Zed makes it easy for recruiters to advertise for free.

Recruiter observations: Whether you have a recruiter account or a jobseeker one, you can create an advert quite easily for free (and it remains on the site for 2 months). In fact, you can switch your status (from jobseeker to recruiter or vice versa) whenever you want.

Jobseeker observations: You can create an account with Facebook or an e-mail address. The dashboard shows you the job board news, your job offer views and if you have any messages. To apply to job offers, you only need a CV and the cover letter is optional. I sent my CV to a job offer with my CV, and suddenly my account had a photo, which I found unsettling. Furthermore, it is impossible to deactivate your account.

The job offers: There are 55 job offers on the site. Practically all of them are in IT.

Reactivity: --

Special features: The competitions; the job offer views.

Verdict: Despite having free posting and a simple-to-use layout, some of the security on the website is questionable. As long as you don’t share too much information, Zed is a great job board for recruiters with a low budget and/or foreigner recruiters.

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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Additional job board information

Marketing activities has been running ads on facebook and adwords to bring to community to one spot for finding a job in Armenia. With the growth of interest this shows us that there is a huge potential for companies and candidates within Armenia

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