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vercida Presentation

Site's statement

Vercida, The UK's largest diversity focussed careers site.

We use our expertise and innovative technology solutions to help organisations that value diversity and inclusion to find and employ the best people for their positions. We achieve this through: – the UK’s largest diversity and inclusion focused careers site. We attract quality candidates from a diverse talent pool, help them find out more about your organisation and select the right applicants for your positions. Speak This Page – our cutting-edge, Microsoft-approved technology can make your website speak, ensuring your brand and information is accessible to a wider range of people. Diversityreach – we’ll put your brand in front millions of UK individuals, defined by diversity strand (gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability etc) helping you to target the right audience for your positions. Strategic partnerships – we work with leading organisations such as everywomen and enei to help us deliver on your diversity and inclusion objectives.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: Launched in 2017, Vercida is a generalist job board with a twist. Instead of hiding personality traits that could lead to discrimination, Vercida embraces them to help companies improve hiring diversity. Despite being relatively new, it attracts 152 050 views a month, most of which come from the UK (the next top countries are the US, Canada, Spain and Poland) and has a strong social media presence. On Facebook, there are 1 535 followers, on Twitter 3 397 and on LinkedIn 1 585. Despite having four different portals for the website (the UK, France, Belgium and the Czech Republic), there are no language options.

Design: Instead of a search engine, the homepage has two options: become an employer or search jobs. The buttons appear over an image, which changes to represent all kinds of diverse social groups. As you go down the page, you have to option of discovering the different company profiles (most of which have images and videos, and very good branding), read the articles, see the testimonials and the partners. Once in the job listing, you have access to filters (the job type, the benefits, the industry, the salary the salary granularity per year, the publication date and the initiatives including age, belief, gender, disability, etc.). The offers can be sorted by relevance, salary, publication date or expiration date. In the list, the company awards, logo and name are visible. You can also see the post date and close date and the location. However, job offers have a weird layout: the description appears at the top of the page, followed by relevant articles, and only after that can you see the rest of the job offer including the useful information on the right-hand side.

The job board objective: Vercida (which stands for Values, Equality, Respect, Culture, Inclusion, Diversity, Accessibility) focuses on social groups, which sometimes struggle to find work. By promoting company initiatives, Vercida helps recruiters reach out to specific kinds of candidates.

Recruiter observations: The blog articles all revolve around working in specific companies, so it might be possible to request a featured article on one’s company. To recruit through the website, you need to become a member (the different types are explained but there are no prices).

Jobseeker observations: Since there are so many filters, jobseekers also need to provide the relevant information about themselves to help recruiters find them. When creating an account, one must provide the following information: gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, religion, disability, whether you have children and the initiative, which interests you. When you apply to a job offer, the site asks if you are sure you’ve understood the company. You are then redirected.

The job offers: There are 6 639 job offers in the UK, 89 in Belgium, 2 in France and nothing in the Czech Republic. Most of the offers focus on the following initiatives: disability, women, LGBTs, race, talent development, parenting and corporate social responsibility.

Reactivity: --

Special features: The disability options from ReciteMe (including sound, colour changes, a magnifying glass, the font size and type, a ruler); the events; the statistics; the articles (at the bottom of the page); the knowledge centre; job alerts; the recruitment services; testimonials.

Verdict: Vercida is definitely an interesting website. It’s easy to use, but access to advertising and to the articles could be easier. Seeing as it’s illegal to discriminate based on most of the required fields in the jobseeker account, I’m not sure if it’s a good or a bad thing to be using those same criteria to promote specific groups.

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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