As a part of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM), USAJOBS helps recruit, retain, and honor a world-class government workforce for the American people.
We are “working for America.” We strive to make searching and applying for Federal jobs easier and faster. USAJOBS Team
Jobboard Finder’s opinion is a job board enabling federal job seekers access to thousands of job opportunities across hundreds of federal agencies and organizations.
The homepage is very simple and clear with no extra support offered or interactive services for users, which is to be expected with a government official page.
The search engine is not as convenient as it could be and it is rather overwhelming with a huge number of filter options and information asked. It is a slow searching process as it is necessary to select at least 1 filter criteria before searching through the job board, so it is not possible to view all the job offers available on one page.
There are a variety of filters that range from agency name, job type, location and salary range so the search is very detailed. The results contain a lot of information about each job offer and are regularly updated.
Setting up a USAJOBS account simply requires an email to sign up. Registered users can build a resume or upload a resume in a compatible format for submission across most Federal Agencies.
There is no link to a social network page, blog page or anything that could suuport the user through their navigation.
Login here for FREE to unlock access to the traffic audience, content and pricing section for more information on USA jobs.
360,422 job announcements were open on USAJOBS in 2015.
USAJOBS has over 11,385,000 account holders to date.
Over 500 agencies posted job announcements on USAJOBS in 2015.
Last update : 14-10-2014
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