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Site's statement

The Muse is a recruiting site that connects millennials with job opportunities via a search experience that focuses on corporate culture.

We help companies recruit top talent from a diverse pool of qualified candidates by showing our millions of readers what it’s like to work there before they even apply.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: Founded by two women, Alex Cavoulacos and Kathryn Minshew, The Muse is job board focused on offering additional services to the job listing. Despite the interesting information in the “Team” section, the “About Us” and LinkedIn page could benefit from some an update. Of course, that doesn’t stop 7.09 million people from visiting the site each month. Over the years, the company has acquires TalentShare (an HR SaaS company, enabling recruiters to recommend candidates they didn’t hire) and BrandAmper (to connect data about employees and feedback). On social media, there are 321 652 followers on Facebook, 46 301 on LinkedIn, 133 000 on Twitter, 37 100 on Instagram and 1.4 million on Pinterest.

Design: To access the jobs, simply click on “Jobs” at the top of the page. If you would rather explore companies, read advice or find a coach, those options are also available through the homepage. There is no search engine for jobs though (just a small one for keywords on the site). In the footer, you can see the popular jobs. Once you’re in the job section, a search engine appears (keywords and location) above some top searches. The site even suggests some jobs (which appear in a grid). In the actual job listing, there are only two filters (job level and company size) and the offers have no logos or publication dates. The layout for the job offers is quite appealing though: a large banner image, a logo, a detailed description and some information on the team. You can also find some of this information on the company pages. They include multimedia, keywords, an address and a brief description. Just below that, you can choose from four panels: about, people, offices and jobs, to continue browsing the page. For some pages, the staff have made videos of themselves, explaining their work.

The job board objective: TheMuse hopes to do more than display job offers. It offers coaching services for jobseekers and clever branding for employer pages.

Recruiter observations: To advertise through The Muse, you must contact the team.

Jobseeker observations: Jobseekers can create an account using LinkedIn or Facebook. For most offers, you don’t need to thought because you are redirected to a company page.

The job offers: There are thousands of job offers on The Muse.

Reactivity: You can contact the team through Facebook. They answer within a few hours.

Special features: The staff videos; the career advice (in different sections; no dates); the coaching (you answer questions to determine what type of coach you need – there is a helpful video to explain further); the employer articles (once you’ve requested a call back); the feedback options; the popular jobs (in the footer); the funny photos of the team.

Verdict: If you aren’t sure how to start your job search or if you need some help developing your career, then The Muse has all kinds of coaching options for you. It’s nice to have prices on the site, but a customised recruitment campaign generally works better.

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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Marketing activities

  • Press and media blog :, Huffpost, Cosmopolitan ...
  • HR Advice sections
  • Coaches and courses booking sections : Resume Review Resume Review, 30-Minute Career Q&A 30-Minute Career Q&A, Job Search Strategy Job Search Strategy, Resume + LinkedIn Review Resume + LinkedIn Review, Networking Strategy Networking Strategy and more ...


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