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Students Presentation

Site's statement is a modern job portal for internships and apprenticeships for students and graduates in Poland. We connect employers with young and ambitious candidates.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: claims to be founded in 2017 (on Linkedin) but amazingly the specialist job board had a Twitter account all the way back in 2014. With 2 004 Twitter followers and very few on the other social networks, clearly made a choice to invest in one social media. That is, for a certain amount of time (the last Twitter post was months ago). They have an extensive list of companies in their “company section” and most of them (over 150) have zero job offers (including Of those that are hiring, only one company has more than four job offers. So it’s no surprise that their visibility is very low.

Design: The search engine in two parts (keywords and location) covers a mostly blue layout with a drawing of the skyline as a backdrop. Recent jobs and recruiting companies are featured. A list of categories indicate the job offers per category. There is also a skills section including languages, programming and “other”. Once you have accessed the job listing, the filters include the type of work, the salary, the type of contract, the industries, the type of employer (recruiting agency or employer) and the publication date. Each job offer indicates the job title, the company, the location and the publication date. The language and the sector are also present for some of the jobs;

The job board objective: At this point, it’s hard to say. The idea is to display job offers that could appeal to students.

Recruiter observations: To create an account, you need a Polish postcode and a Polish identification number. Seeing as there is no “about us” section, you do not even really know who you are contacting to post a job offer anyway.

Jobseeker observations: It’s very easy to create an account. Some job offers redirect you to their company website. Others require a CV and a short message (optional). The company pages are practically empty and the job offers are usually pretty short too.

The job offers: they currently have 88 job offers, which includes internships and courses (and they are not necessarily reimbursed). According to their website, finance and administrational jobs have the most offers (24 and 18 openings).

Reactivity: When asking for information, we were sent our own e-mail. Still waiting for something more… original.

Special features: The blog (all eight articles were posted on the 3rd of March 2018).

Verdict: It feels like someone needs to tell that sometimes, less is more. There really is no need to emphasize the number of companies NOT using the job board to hire. You have to respect their honestly though and they are probably as surprised as we are that anyone is still posting job offers on their website.

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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Marketing activities

  • Social media sharing
  • Blogging and guest blogging for graduates


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