Jobboard Finder’s opinion
Summary: Created in 1996 in Germany, StepStone is a generalist job boards, which has spread around the world so it is accessible in many countries. It specializes in creating customized solutions according to the objectives of different private markets. In 2014, Jobindex acquired the Danish StepStone site, which is why it looks different to the others. Today, it attracts 141 310 views a month. On social media, it has a reasonable following: 23 followers on YouTube and 2 804 on Facebook. The LinkedIn page for Denmark has 4 798 followers. Denmark created many Twitter pages (for each sector) and then stopped updating them in 2014.
Design: The design for the Danish version of StepStone is slightly different to the other ones. On the homepage, the search engine (keywords and location) appears above other featured sections from the job board. This includes a list of categories, popular jobs and the blog articles (of which there are very few). Once in the job listing, there are only two filters (the location and the category) but you can see the number of offers per category, which is a plus. Logos and publication dates appear in the job listing, and the job offers themselves are rather long. Most of them redirect you to another page to apply to the offer. There is a company listing (alphabetical order), allowing companies to promote their business through a description and a banner image.
The job board objective: StepStone has the same goal in all of the countries where it is present: it aims to help businesses grow and find the best talent on the market. Oddly enough, the local partnerships (and not the international outreach) is featured more on the Danish version than on other StepStone sites.
Recruiter observations: Recruiters can find the prices on the site. You can create an account with very little hassle through the website (but a phone number is required).
Jobseeker observations: Jobseekers don’t necessarily need an account to find work on StepStone in Denmark since most job offers redirect you to another site. That said, it takes very little time to set an account up.
The job offers: There are currently 176 job offers on the website, most of which are in Denmakr but some international vacancies are listed. Most of the job offers are in General Management, Finance Administration or Sales.
Reactivity: --
Special features: The YouTube videos; the partner list; the blog; job alerts; the 2018 reports.
Verdict: StepStone Denmark is slightly surprising if you are used to the German StepStone design. If you choose to go with this job board, it might be a good idea to couple it with another one. The design is simple and the information on their users is helpful, but the filters are lacking.
Written by Ali Neill
As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.