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Rabota TUT.BY Presentation

Site's statement

Looking for a job in Belarus? On RABOTA.TUT.BY you will find only tested and high-quality jobs in Minsk and provincial towns: Mogilev, Gomel, Vitebsk, Brest, Grodno. We ensure that our database is regularly updated with the most recent jobs. The latest services offered by our website, which will help you save time and energy, making the search for work a pleasant, and most importantly fast procedure.

For open positions in Belarus? Employers of the Republic of Belarus, we offer the largest database of resume in Belarus and convenient, anytime access to it. On the website you will find a summary of all categories of employees, from household staff to top company management that are looking for work in Minsk and regional cities. With RABOTA.TUT.BY site you can close any open positions in a short time. Our search tools and placement vacancies in Belarus do the hard work HR-manager easy and effortless.

If you need a good job in Minsk, or, on the contrary, you have open positions in Minsk and regional cities - RABOTA.TUT.BY will help you in implementing any of these tasks.

RABOTA.TUT.BY - Your site for job search.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: As a part of the HeadHunter job bords, it’s no surprise that Rabota TUT BY (also known as Work and then Jobs) has the same layout. HeadHunter was founded by Mikhail Frolkin and Yuri Virovets in 2000 in Russia and was for recruiters looking foir CVs. Now, the database has grown and job offers are a bit part of the business. In fact, you can access the Belarusian CVs through On social media, there are 2 902 followers on Facebook and 43 123 on VK. Even if that doesn’t sound like a lot, Rabota TUT BY is the 28th most visited site in the country, attracting as many as 3.11 million visits a month.

Design: When you first open the site, it can be a bit confusing to have the login form featured more than the search engine (keywords in CVs, job offers or company names). You can post a CV or a job offer directly from the homepage, or check out the featured jobs and companies (the number of offers are in brackets). The rest of the page is full of lists: articles, different sectors, different cities and different job titles. Once in the job listing, the filters include the region, the salary, the metros, the industry, the company branch, the work experience, the employment type, the work schedule and any exclusions. Without even opening the offers, you can hide those that don’t suit and show the contact details of those that have some. The salary is clearly indicated in the listing if the recruiter has provided a range, and you can also view the offers on the map. To sort the offers, you have the date, the salary and the relevance. As a rule, the job is broken down into clear sections (requirements, responsibilities and terms) but recruiters can also opt for a customized job advert instead of a standard post, which includes a logo, keywords and a map. Similar job offers appear under an open one. As for the company pages, they are comprised of large images and they are completely customized to reflect the company image. You can also find a list of recruitment agencies in Belarus (each one has a logo and a brief description).

The job board objective: Rabota TUT BY adapts its offers to suit jobseekers and recruiters. Thanks to its courses and its clever filters, you can find exactly the type of job or candidate you need.

Recruiter observations: To register as a recruiter, you need to select your country from a list. Through the recruiter account, you can access a chat window, but everything is in Russian (and not translated by Google). You need a phone number to create an account. When creating an advert, the website can provide salary data for a given position in a given city to help choose the salary. Adverts are present on the site for no longer than 30 days. Recruiters can order a study of the market. For legal reasons, international companies cannot recruit through the site, but you can go through to find CVs.

Jobseeker observations: It’s easy to create an account. If you already have one on a HeadHunter job board, you can use it for Rabota.TUT.BY. To apply to job offers, you have to fill out a form and, if your information doesn’t fit the requirements, the site tells you but doesn’t stop you from applying.

The job offers: There are currently 554 872 job offers on the site. The top sectors are sales, IT and production.

Reactivity: The team answers very quickly and they are very helpful.

Special features: Links to userful websites at the top of the page; automatic responses for candidates; the news; the articles; the holiday calendar; the tests (recruiters can create); the courses for recruiters; the opinion polls; the career advice test (at a cost); the metro station filter; the feedback options; job alerts; the map; the Youtube videos; CV highlighting (at a cost); job alerts; the HR-Brand awards; the market studies; the list of recruitment agencies.

Verdict: Rabota TUT BY is a great website for any looking to recruit in Belarus. Don’t try to entice the workers to leave the country through, the government is cracking down on the practice to ensure enough Belarusians remain in the country.

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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Additional job board information

Marketing activities

Searching for work in Belarus taking too long? Searching for an area, which contains only standing vacancies in Minsk, Gomel, Mogilev, Vitebsk, Brest and Grodno? Then go to RABOTA.TUT.BY!

Our database receives the most relevant offers every day. Here you can find work for students and experienced masters of their craft.

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1 review

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Janet Hurink  - Jobseeker  - 14 reviews
User friendly
Janet Hurink comment :

Very popular job board and by far the best in Belarus. i've founded my student job when i was younger thank to
Rated on 17-03-2017

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