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Site's statement

Rabota. Md - leading Moldovan site for job search and recruitment. Every day the site is visited by over 15,000 people, and more and more recently. Also, we have one of the highest percentages of Moldovan people on our site.

To date, the service "the VIP vacancy" site Rabota. Md regularly used by more than 550 different companies. 

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: Created in 2011, Rabota Moldova is the leading generalist job board in the country. The only available contact details for a specific team member are for Vladimir Boshneak, the deputy director. The group also works with Mantis HR, a recruitment firm in Moldova, so the team is made of trained recruiters. The website is available in Russian and Romanian, which is always a plus, especially when you consider than 10% of the 429 710 monthly views don’t come from the country. The other places visiting the website the most are Switzerland, Germany, Romania and Russia, making it the 83rd most visited website in the country. Rabota is proud of that, which is why you can access stats on their visibility through the site, and you can follow them on Facebook (20 420 followers), on VK (506, but nothing new since September 2018), on OK (987), on Twitter (225, just a list of job offers) and on YouTube (49).

Design: The logo is a red magnifying glass. The homepage is very cute, with changing images of children doing adult jobs behind the search engine (keywords and the location). Key figures appear just under the search engine. A grid of icons show represent the different categories (and indicate how many jobs are in each section), followed by a few featured jobs (which all have “negotiable salaries) and then an enormous grid of companies (with logos) and the number of job offers. You can also access the blog and the video job offers on the homepage. If there are new offers in a category, it says “new” next to the icon. In the job listing, there are no filters but there are logos and publication dates. Once you have an account, you can sort the job offers by sector, by company or by city. The job offers have good branding, which reflects the company, and the descriptions aren’t too long.

The job board objective: Moldova has combined professionalism and simplicity to create a great job board.

Recruiter observations: To order the package you want (the prices are on the site), you must contact the team. You can, however, create an account, post a basic add or browse the CVs through the search engine (but you can’t see the contact details). There are 4 942 CVs in their database and you even have filters (including the nationality, salary, gender, license, location, experience, etc.). You can order credits through the site.

Jobseeker observations: Creating an account is easy. From there, you can create an online CV (including your nationality, gender, your marital status, whether you have children, etc.) or you can simply send your own CV to recruiters when you apply to job offers.

The job offers: There are 16 937 job offers on the site. Sales and retail have the most job offers. Many other sectors also have over a thousand job offers.

Reactivity: The team answers quickly and they are helpful.

Special features: The children dressed up as adults; icons for the categories; the YouTube videos; the views on the articles; the blog (hasn’t been updated since November); the Alexa statistics; the press section; the client testimonials; the yearly subscription (for recruiters); the company video section.

Verdict: has a beautiful design and an easy-to-use interface. We definitely recommend using it (even if doesn’t have many filters).

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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