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Site's statement has more than 10 years of experience in the recruitment field and is one of the leading website for students looking for internships, apprenticeships, student jobs, is a far-reaching career platform in the German Web. has a top ranking in Google and the multiple publication of your jobs on our partner websites ensure high traffic and an excellent candidate quota.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: Praktikum is a specialist job board focused on internships. Created in 2009, two years after its mother site, Absolventa, the group of job boards was later purchased by Funke Medien Gruppe, a large media group, which has existed in Germany for a number of decades. Trainee-Geflüster is part of a group of partner job sites to Absolventa: Azubi and Trainee-Geflüster. Other partners include Arbeitgeber Ranking (for company ratings). All four sites have the same maze logo in the tab in different colours (Praktikum’s one is blue). Slightly less successful than Absolventa, the job site attracts 249 000 visitors use it per month. As for social media, the only available link on the page is to a Facebook page with 4 541 followers.

Design: The homepage appears relatively bare, except for an image of a smiling girl above the search engine (keywords and location); some suggested categories (including the number of offers per category) and featured companies. There is actually a lot of information on the homepage, but it is spread out (nothing like a Chinese website!). In the job listing, jobseekers can see the logo, the job title, the company name, the location and the publication date but they have few filters to choose from: sector, location and career level. Companies can customise their job offers, but the “apply” button remains clearly at the bottom of the page, so the application isn’t confusing. At the top of the page, an employer listing is also accessible. The company logos and names appear in a grid and the numbers of current job vacancies are also visible. You can even look for a specific company profile. On the company profile, not only can you see information on the company and current offers, but most of them also have multimedia, the company benefits, the awards, social media links and contact details. If someone from the company has been interviewed, a link to the article can also be made available.

The job board objective: Praktikum targets students and recruiters looking to hire younger candidates.

Recruiter observations: Recruiters must contact the team for any information.

Jobseeker observations: Jobseekers are redirected to a career page or form to apply to job offers.

The job offers: Currently, 7 108 job offers are on the website. Most of the offers are in business and communication, IT and management.

Reactivity: --

Special features: The candidate and recruiter interviews; the list of internship salaries by industry; the blog (which is Absloventa’s); the key figures; downloadable CVs, cover letters; the recruiter newsletter; the legal articles.

Verdict: Praktikum focuses on internships. It’s similar to its partner website in design and the target audience. All three are easy to use and definitely worth checking out if you need interns or would like graduates.

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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We use social media such as Facebook and Twitter. On Facebook we general information and articles. On Twitter we also publish the jobs offers.

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Absolventa Jobnet


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