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Moovijob Presentation

Site's statement

Moovijob is the first jobboard in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Greater Region

Moovijob is your partner to efficiently recruit in Luxembourg, France, Belgium, Switzerland and Germany. We propose you to diversify your approach thanks to your presence on but also in participating to our recruitment events dedicated to the physical meet with candidates all along the year: Moovijob Tours and Plug&Work. Moovijob is the only one to propose a mix media approach to accompany you in a multi-polar sourcing and help you to better recruit and to the best cost.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: Created in 2007, MooviJob is a generalist Luxembourgian job board, mostly popular in Luxembourg, Alsace and Lorraine. It also offers jobs to those in Germany, Belgium and Switzerland, which is why the website is available in French, English, German and Luxembourgish. According to the site, there are currently 115 777 registered candidates, but unfortunately, the visibility remains a mystery for SimilarWeb. What we do know is that MooviJob has 2 221 Twitter followers, 647 on Instagram, 3 786 on Linkedin, 12 107 Facebook and 147 on Youtube. Needless to say, people are following the MooviJob activity any way they can. Some of the biggest attractions on this job board are the job fairs and events it organizes.

Design: The focus of the homepage is the search engine (keywords and industry), which you can use for job offers as well as courses. A handful of companies are featured (all hiring) and the rest of the homepage targets the jobseeker (improving one’s CV and finding jobs by category, by country and by job title). A brief introduction to the job board can also be found at the bottom of the page. Once in the job listing, you can use the filters (the location, the category, the experience, the level of studies the type of contract) to narrow the search. You can also tick the following boxes: part-time and no recruitment agencies. Dates are visible before opening the job offers, and the oldest ones are about a month old. If you open an offer, you can also see useful information on the left-hand side, an image and backdrop at the top of the page and similar job offers underneath. It’s possible to look up the different upcoming events through the website as well.

The job board objective: MooviJob prides itself on offering face-to-face recruitment as well as online recruitment, thanks to the events and forums it organizes. Training and other services are also available through MooviJob.

Recruiter observations: When you create an account, you are expected to send the MooviJob team a personal message. Even if you fill out all the forms, you can still receive a message saying you do not have enough information to “create a recruiter” (account), but they do not tell you why.

Jobseeker observations: In association with GameChanger, MooviJob offers a number of services for jobseekers (see special features). It’s easy to create an account and to send your CV to companies (with our without a cover letter).

The job offers: There are 4 189 job offers. Most of the job offers are in BTP, industry jobs, IT and sales. As for the location, they are mostly in Luxembourg and France.

Reactivity: --

Special features: The blog (with many different sections); the events; the long list of partners; organization of Plug&Work events; the video of Luxembourg; the CV tester (from GameChanger) that provides useful information on CV writing and gives you a score at the end; coaching for jobseekers (at a cost); job alerts.

Verdict: Moovijob is definitely an interesting one for anyone who prefers a hands-on approach when recruiting or looking for work. If you don’t find what you want online, try the events!

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Additional job board information

Marketing activities

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Recruit your future employees efficiently and highlight your employer brand by taking advantage of the visibility provided by Moovijob!

Along with using Moovijob’s improved SEO, all your offers are published on all of our partner, and,, and on dozens of metaengines.


Our sales team available for you

Behind Moovijob, is a team available to assist you and inform you about the product in line with your needs.

Single offer, unlimited presence, access to CV library or tailor-made package feel free to contact us on +352 24 87 37 80 for more information.

Aggregators &
Media Partners

Post you job ads on multiple sites!

Recruit efficiently your future collaborators & boost your employer brand by making the most of the visibility offered by

Besides the excellent SEO of our website, all your job ads are netcasted to our partners sites such as : - - & - - - - - LinkedIn and a dozen of metasearch agents.  


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2 reviews

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Mathieu Schmitt  - Jobseeker  - 1 review
User friendly
Mathieu Schmitt comment :

Great jobboard with many job offers. They changed the design of the web site recently, and it's very nice. Job offers are well classified and the search bar works well!
Rated on 02-03-2023

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