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Medicis Jobboard Presentation

Site's statement

Medicis Consult has, since 2009, provided its clients (Hospitals, Teaching Hospitals, occupational health bodies, clinics, general councils, municipalities…) with people possessing the relevant medical profiles in terms of expertise and linguistic competence, and in particular people who have a real desire to join a new health system, and has offered applicants career prospects and guaranteed support throughout their administrative procedures in their host country. Medicis Consult is now expanding its range of services via its new online recruitment platform, Medicis Jobboard, through which doctors and paramedical staff from all over Europe and health establishments can meet freely via an advertisement and CV provision service.

Our business: To bring together health professionals and those who need them OUR SERVICES Our recruitment platform enables: Recruiters To publish their job offers so that interested applicants can contact them; To consult our CV database so that they can directly contact applicants who match their requirements. Applicants: To respond to job advertisements published by health establishments; To declare their availability so that they can be contacted by health establishments seeking professional staff.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary:  Created in 2012 by a number of medical professionals (which were not named), Medicis Jobboard is a niche job board for medical professionals in Europe. It was first launched in France by the founder Jerome Audran and it belongs to the Medicis Consult. Together, they aim to achieve the recruiting goals of their clients. In January of this year, they reached the 1 000 candidates benchmark. Unfortunately, they haven’t made much of a stir on social media (556 Facebook followers for all of Europe, and no updates for 2 years; 528 followers on Twitter for all of Europe). It’s difficult to determine the visibility, but from what we noticed on the social media, the outreach isn’t as good as we would’ve liked. They do have three testimonials though, and posting is free for new customers.

Design: The layout is very pleasing. The screen is split in two: job offers on one side (blue) and the candidate son the other (red). Once you’ve created an account, the screen goes blue or red depending on whether you are a recruiter or a jobseeker. The search engine in three parts (Contract, specialty and country) and list of job offers make it easy to access the job listing. The filters change depending on whether you are logged in. The job offers are clear (and some even appear in several languages) and include the following information as a rule: specialty, location, the type of contract, the duration of the contract, the pay. Most of them also have a contact name and e-mail address. Medicis Jobboard also has a news from the medical world section down the bottom of the page. The sources are different depending on the country.

The job board objective: Medicis Jobboard brings medical professionals together all over Europe.

Recruiter observations: It’s relatively easy to create an account. You need to specify if you are a recruiting agency or a medical institution. You can advertise for free if you are a new customer, but you need to pay if you would like to purchase any CVs (which you can look through for free).

Jobseeker observations: You need to open the job offers to see the publication date. Most of the job offers include an e-mail address for candidates to contact (so you don’t actually need to create an account). They don’t actually check the job offers that appear on their website. To apply to job offers, some information needs to be filled out on your profile but a CV is not required.

The job offers: Some of the offers are over a year old! To actually see the number of job offers, you need to select a country. However, they ALL say, “389 active adverts / 161 expired adverts”.

Reactivity: --

Special features: The medical news; the language options.

Verdict: It’s always disappointing to come across a dishonest job board. However, the news section is interesting because all the articles focus on the medical fields and they are from many different source. Furthermore, free job advertising should never be turned down.

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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