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Site's statement

Relevant & effektiv.  is a specialist job board for truck/lorry drivers. ist spezialisiert auf Stellenangebote für LKW Fahrer.

With our website recruiters will avoid wastage of time and money!

With us you place your ad in your target group and reach the right: truck drivers looking for a new challenge.

  •  REACH - Targeted to trucks websites and highly reachable on more than 20 job board partners, your truck driver job listing is effective. No matter where a truck driver is looking for a job, he finds your job advertisement. Because: you are omnipresent
  •  TIME - you save time. Stop cumbersome, manual hiring, and maintain your drivers' job openings and user accounts. Forget about registering, logging in, activating, deactivating - this is done by our intelligent and fully automated job board distributor
  •  MONEY - We receive special conditions from our TOP partners and you benefit: Turn your truck driver job ads in TOP JOB format and your jobs receive a regionally oriented Premium Job Promotion, without incurring additional costs - we call this a pecuniary advantage.


Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: This German based job board focuses on the truck industry. In fact, the site's name, LKW-Fahrer, means truck driver. The activity has been dropping and unfortunately the site is not very attractive but it has a lot of activity for such a specific recruitment field. To be more exact, the number of visits per month is around 141 200. Most of the activity comes directly from an internet search or from a direct connection. Over its 10 years of existence, the site has built up its clientbase. 

Design: The site has a simple design which is clear but quite basic. The search engine (who, where, perimeter) is the only filter option you have and the homepage is an endless listing of jobs. Some keywords above the jobs if you want to be more specific. The first ones are all listed as "top" and each offer has clear info about the title, company and logo. Even without an account, jobseekers can apply by contacting the "contact person" whose details are at the end of the offer.

The job board objective: This job board aims to make it easier for recruiters to find truck drivers.

Recruiter observations: Even without an account, you can look through candidate profiles. Obviously, for contact info, you do need an account.

Jobseeker observations: A pop-up appears when you enter the job board to show you how easy it is to create a profile. There are 14 questions (including the type of driver's licence you have, the industry you'd like to work for, the languages you speak, etc.). You can put some companies in your watch list.

The job offers: It's not possible to see exactly how many jobs are on the site because it is an endless list of offers.

Reactivity: --

Special features: Photos of the salesperson; client testimonials; the video on recruiting with the site; the blog (or "magazine" has not been undated since 2020); the company listing (which can be sorted by location); the company watch list; candidate database access.

Verdict: As a very specific job board, this one for truck drivers definitely knows how to target its niche. Simple is best when it comes to the job search.

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Additional job board information

Marketing activities

  • has more than 14,000 LIKES and is the most "liked" truck driving job site
  • is active in real life - and is with for example, the job board ambassador for the truck driver meeting
  • is represented in various print magazines (eg: Fernfahrer and Truckers)

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