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JobSpider Presentation

Site's statement

All jobs in one place. Search for jobs in Armenia. Hundreds of jobs from IT and insurance company web sites, banks, job boards, recruiting agencies and career sites. is a job aggregator and has been created for those who wish to quickly and easily find a job. It aggregates job listings from dozens of websites, including job boards, recruiting firms, and company career pages as well as government agency human resources pages. There is no longer a need to spend hours searching through numerous different websites. Jobspider will do the hard work for you. Utilizing its advanced search engine it will allow you to view the most up to date employment ads that interest you all in one place.

Jobspider is your best friend on your way to finding your dream job!

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: JobSpider is an Armenian aggregator (according to the website) that picks up job adverts from all over the internet (from websites, “including job boards, recruiting firms, and company career pages as well as government agency human resources pages”). With how few offers are listed, that sounds unlikely. It is available in English and Armenian (so that’s a plus), the visibility is unknown and it is not https:// secure. It does have a Facebook page with 1 827 followers but no updates since April (the first posts are from 2012). The name is cool, but the product is less than average.

Design: There are no images (other than the logo) on the JobSpider website. There isn’t even a spider. The logo is a red and orange spider web (which looks more like a dartboard) at the top of the page, and the rest of the homepage is full of writing. The search bar is just for keywords, but you can choose to browse the various job categories (the number of jobs per category is indicated) or through the popular searches. There is a company listing (with a grand total of 9 companies and tiny logos).

The job board objective: Apparently, the goal is to host as many job offers (from all over the web) as possible.

Recruiter observations: It’s very easy to create an account and once you have, the cost of posting appears on the screen. It’s very simple to post an advert too and the job board suggests including some information on the company, the job description and the required skills.

Jobseeker observations: As a jobseeker, you don’t need an account because the job offers always redirect you to a different page (a different job board). Furthermore, you can only create an account with Facebook.

The job offers: most of the job offers are in “other”, followed by IT and accounting & banking. In total, there are 442 job offers on JobSpider.

Reactivity: --

Special features: --

Verdict: If you rely on Google Translate for your translations, don’t expect it to be very helpful here. With low visibility and no https:// security, this job board was going to have trouble making it into our good books. On top of that, there are very few offers and they all lead to other job sites.

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