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Site's statement

For 17 years has been the ‘go to’ website for people searching for a job and businesses who are looking for talented people to hire. 

Our Mission Statement is "Recruitment Made Simple".We offer you the service you want from a recruitment agency, at the prices you pay to a newspaper.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: appeared on the internet at the turn of the century in 1999. A time for change, and that’s just what it planned to do: change the employment in Ireland. The absence of a proper “About Us” section is unfortunate, but the numbers speak for themselves: 1.46 million views a month, making it the second most visited job board (after indeed) in Ireland. It also has 66 546 Facebook followers, 5 877 on Linkedin and 15 100 on Twitter. Based on the partner websites, it’s a safe bet to assume is in some way affiliated with Axel Springer, like IrishJobs. Another fun fact is that the two websites have the exact same type of chat support. Whatever works! The two both have a “newsroom” (but’s doesn’t work).

Design: Much like IrishJobs, has embraced the black (and slightly yellow) colour scheme. The different sectors (with the number of offers per category) are listed on the homepage, just above an advert for the app. The articles and the locations fill up the rest of the page. Once you’re in the job listing, the offers are particularly clear: spread out over a grid the date, the job, the company and the location are visible. Featured offers appear in a yellow box. However, the website indicates that the job offers are sorted by date (even though they obviously aren’t). Contract type, related locations and the sector are the filters, which remain under the search engine (sector, location and keywords). The job offers can also be found in the company listing, which shows the companies in a grid in alphabetical order. Each page includes the current job offers, contact information, a logo and description (if the company has provided them). In much the same way, the categories also show up as a grid with helpful icons for each industry and maps for locations (both also include the number of job offers).

The job board objective: makes it easy for jobseekers to find work, and for recruiters to find candidates.

Recruiter observations: Recruiters must contact the team to create an account.

Jobseeker observations: To apply to job offers, the website creates your account (if you don’t already have one) even if you are redirected to the company page. If you aren’t redirected, there are usually preliminary questions.

The job offers: There are offer jobs (4 412) and courses (2 879). A quarter of the jobs are in the hotel industry, followed by restaurant and food jobs. As it could expected, an overwhelming number of the jobs are in Dublin.

Reactivity: The team answers very quickly on the chat support. You can even request that they text you back.

Special features: The app; testimonials; CV templates; the salary guide; the icons; following companies; the blog (with subsections).

Verdict: is simple to use and informative. If you are looking for work or looking to hire in Ireland, you should definitely check them out. It would be nice to see the inaccurate information removed from the website though.

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