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Site's statement

Jobindex has more users than all other commercial Danish jobsites combined.

Jobindex is a generalist job board, with channels that have more users than competing specialised jobsites. Therefore Jobindex can handle both generalist and specialist jobs.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: Jobindex was founded in 1996 and the entire history of the company is available on their website! It is a very interesting read if you have the time to look at it. They also own Computeworld, StepStone, Jobbsafari and IT Job Bank. A favourite among the Danes who clearly visit the website often: it is ranked 66th for its activity in Denmark and it receives more than 2.75M visits per month! A proper English version would be nice because a lot of parts of the website get lost in translation (some filters do not even appear when translated). Despite that, it still offers a wide range of very interesting tools for both recruiters and jobseekers and there are many job opportunities.

Design: The main colours are white and red, and there is an “advert of the week” and “video of the week” section on the homepage. The search engine (keywords and location, or the publication date, company and profession for advanced searches) is above a list of industries (the job offers per industry are in brackets). The rest of the homepage has blog article titles and “for job seekers” section (present on Jobbsafari too). When you click on an industry at the top of the page, you are redirected to the same page with different more specific categories, until your search has been refined enough. They even give you the number of similar jobs on their partner websites. The filters include the publication date, location and industry. To view the search, you can see it in a graph form or on a map.Each job offer indicates the job title, the company, the logo and/or images and the publication date. Once opened, the job description fills up most of the page, with some additional information on the side (contact details, the salary, the hours, the employer, how to apply, source), but most of the time, you are redirected to a career page. Similar jobs are underneath. For a website with graphs and maps, you could expect a logo, some photos or more colour. You can report a job offer error (if the position has been filled, a link does not work, it is not a job offer) and there is a job offer deadline. You can save a job offer or you can follow it. In the company listing section, the companies are listed in alphabetical order and in each section, the ones with the most job offers are above the others.

The job board objective: Jobindex aims to be the most efficient job board in Denmark with the widest range of job offers.

Recruiter observations: On the website, two different packages are available (other options and add-on are also available). The dashboard is split up into six parts (your name and company, your adverts, information about the CV database, branding, the newsletter and a contact box) and you can browse the CV database for free (you only pay if you hire someone).  The only thing you cannot see on the CVs is the photo and the name (unless they include it in their text). You can even put tags and comments on CVs.

Jobseeker observations: The jobseeker dashboard is in seven parts (your name and photo, your CV, recommended companies, the QuickApply profile, “annaway”, your job alerts and the newsletter) and you need to fill out a form, which creates your CV or import it from Linkedin. Many tools and tests are available (the salary calculator – which only works if they have more than 20 CVs with the job title in them, the “how happy am I at work” questionnaire – which states that the Danish are 73% satisfied with their work environment, the personality test). You can receive texts for job alerts and rate companies.

The job offers: There are currently 23 800 jobs and 133 086 CVs in their database. There are thousands of job in each category, but social services, executive jobs and office jobs have the most job offers.

Reactivity: You can call, be called or e-mail. They answer within a few hours.

Special features: Clear GPDR information; advice on working in the Nordic countries; Text Machine (for writing a cover letter); the blog (in Danish, short articles); the personality test; the happy at work questionnaire; the salary calculator; company ratings; job alerts; the TV section (with videos about companies and advice); courses and learning section.

Verdict: The website is easy to use and the different tools are very interesting. The layout could be improved and the language issue is a real problem. It is still a very good website with so much to offer.

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Additional job board information

Marketing activities

TV campaigns, Advertisement all over the internet. No. 1 jobsite if you search for job on Google. Partnerships with and some other Danish websites, media sponsorships of most of the major Danish recruitment fairs .

Aggregators &
Media Partners

Partnerships with a couple of Danish websites, both portals, specialised websites and websites belonging to unions. E.g. Eniro and Aktienyt.

Aggregated websites

Mobile applications


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     Lena Andersson  - Recruiter  - 5 reviews
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Rated on 19-03-2015

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