Jobboard Finder’s opinion
Summary: Jobbdirekte (“work directly”) has been around for 20 years, but unfortunately, the homepage seems to have missed some updates. The visibility has been dropping over the past few months to as little as 74 470 views per month. That’s not very surprising when you consider their lack of social media links, the drop in social media activity (on Linkedin and Twitter) and the absence of a blog. The other issue is the lack of unity regarding the Jobbdirekte design and the Jobbsys design, which is the recruiter page. They have translated their page, but that does not include Jobbsys and there is very little information about Jobbdirekte on their main website.
Design: The homepage has two different panels: one for jobseekers and one for employers (which leads to On the right-hand side, the website features some jobs and the newest ones appear along the bottom of the page. The featured companies really are hiring, which is refreshing. Once you have accessed the job listing, you can view the job offers in order of their relevance, their publication date or the employer (alphabetically). Each one indicates the job title, the location, the industry, the company logo, the company name and the deadline. It is safe to assume that the expiry date guaranties a regular update of job offers (to a certain extend). As for branding, the company logo leads you to the company page directly. The filters are the location, the industry, the hours, the type of contract, the experience and the sector (with the number of positions per category in brackets, which update themselves when you click on a category).
The job board objective: Jobbdirekte tries to be simple by clearly separating the jobseeker from the recruiter. They also specialize in recruitment advice and social media marketing.
Recruiter observations: You need to contact the website to create an account.
Jobseeker observations: You do not need a CV to create an account but you need to fill out the entire form to apply to job offers (including your marital status and whether you are willing to move).
The job offers: There are currently 8 831 job offers on Jobbdirekte, with most of them in construction, heath and services, and sales. There are also many administrational positions.
Reactivity: --
Special features: They offer a list of websites with personality and work related tests on them.
Verdict: It is difficult to find some basic information on the main website (Jobbdirekte), and much clearer on the Jobbsys. If the updates were made to both the jobseeker and the recruiter websites, maybe the visibility would be higher and Jobbdirekte would be easier to use. They have updated job offers, but an outdated layout. There are other job boards in Norway with higher visibility, better branding and clearer information. Furthermore, their social media has little outreach, which is surprising for a company that offers advice on social media marketing for recruiters.
Written by Ali Neill
As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.