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Site's statement

Jobagent is a semantic job search engine. It crawls all Swiss company websites. This is why it can find more job vacancies than regular job posting websites. The latter only show search results of companies which paid the website to advertise their job vacancies.

The Jobagent's search engine allows candidates to search for open positions in all of Switzerland. They only have to register and select between free version and premium access (with Coupon code for free). Premium access allows them to access additional valuable features.

Jobagent is one of the most sophisticated semantic job search engine on the online market, and is considered to be market leading in Switzerland. This job search engine has also been rated as one of the 100 best websites in Switzerland. It is a worldwide example of a best practice model. 

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: Created by x28, Jobagent is a job board, which focuses on retrieving jobs in Switzerland from all over the internet and helping match recruiters and jobseekers. It attracts a decent number of visitors a month: 543 520. The social media is limited: 800 followers on Facebook and 2 518 on Twitter, but the great news is that the site is available in two languages: French and German. It has been around 2008. If you want any information about Jobagent, you’ll need to check out the x28 website.

Design: There are no images on the homepage. The dominant colour is yellow, and the search engine (keywords and location) appears across the top of the page. You can select a category from some suggestions underneath. There are also a number of suggested new job offers. In the listing, there are no logos or publication dates, but you can click on “discover other jobs from this company”. For some offers, you’re redirected; for others, the offers have their own specific layout. You also have some filters (sector, percentage of work, company size, skills/languages – the last one can only be used by premium users) just under the search engine.

The job board objective: According to x28, the x and 28 represent the perfect match, which is what Jobagent hopes to do: pair up the right jobseekers with the right recruiters.

Recruiter observations: Recruiters must contact the team to publish an advert.

Jobseeker observations: It’s easy to create an account. For a number of job offers, you don’t need one because

The job offers: There over 150 000 offers (according to the website). There are many sectors to choose from.

Reactivity: It took the team about 24 hours to get back to us.

Special features: Job alerts.

Verdict: Jobagent is a useful tool for anyone hoping to get a global idea of the job offers in Switzerland and it’s great to see so many sector options. More special features would be appreciated and it seems unusual that one filter should require a special account.

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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Marketing activities

SEO, SEA, Affiliate marketing

Aggregators &
Media Partners

Jobagent entertains partnerships with a wide array of online players who are interested in offering relevant jobs to their target group: magazines, trade organisations, employer's associations, universities, etc.


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