is not just a Job Portal, we are presently building a highly interactive and dynamic online destination for Nigerians worldwide to collaborate, interact, get informed and exchange ideas on career issues. HNJ provides you with a wealth of resources to help you grow your career or business. Information is Power! we expose opportunities you may never know existed. It is truly up to you as an individual to determine the level of your success by flying on the information and platform we provide for you.
People are the world's greatest business resource. We cannot do without them, they can make or mar a business. Two companies may have the best raw material and the best technology, but what differentiate the two are their employees. It is also the difference between good and great business. The wrong people can create havoc Precisely why HNJ is here for you. Our objective is to provide a platform where firms can come to hire the best talents.
Jobboard Finder’s opinion is a job board in Nigeria;
The site is very basic and is so overwhelming with information
There is no homepage, you are taken straight to the job search
There are a few filters you can use to narrow your search and they include sector, job type and experience
The website is a real mess, it is difficult to tell what are the job offers and what is another search filter.
There are a lot of adverts and pop ups on the site
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