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grandir Presentation

Site's statement is handled by a team of multidisciplinary professionals, involved in offering both candidates and recruiters an irreproachable tailor-made service.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: Since 2000 and thanks to Jean-Emmanuel Rodocanachi, Grandir has been a niche job board for jobseekers looking to work in crèches in France. The group owns a number of crèches, including Les Petits Chaperons Rouges, which are part of their most renowned and recognised brands. At first glance, Grandir doesn’t look like a job board, but rather a tool for parents looking for a crèche, but there are a number of job offers from all over France in the “candidats” section. There are also many offices around France for those who would like to meet the team, and jobseekers are encouraged to send in a spontaneous application. Unfortunately, the visibility is unknown to SimilarWeb, but there are social media pages (under the Petits Chaperons Rouges brand name): 7 194 followers on Facebook, 8 757 on Linkedin and another 1 369 on Twitter. Despite some bad press in the past, the crèches remain a popular choice for parents and jobseekers.

Design: The homepage, full of baby photos and cute icons, focuses on finding a crèche nearby. However, at the top of the page, a candidate and employer section are clearly indicated. In the candidate section, jobseekers can assess the job listing thanks to the list of new offers, the different categories (jobs working with children, jobs in management, internships) or the search engine (the job title and the location). Filters (the region, the department, the job title and the contract) appear once you have chosen a category or used the search engine. Job offers have publication dates, the job title and the location in the listing. Some also include the number of hours and the contract type. The job offers usually include a description of the job, the ideal candidate, the required experience and diplomas. Some provide a salary range and the hours. Many have a map and photos of the crèche.

The job board objective: Grandir makes it easy for parents and jobseekers browse crèches in one location. Recruiters can also benefit from the group’s support.

Recruiter observations: If you are recruiting for a crèche, the group cannot only help find candidates, but assist with the business development. For more information, simply fill out the form on the site (about the crèche) and a team member provides customised advice.

Jobseeker observations: Jobseekers don’t actually create an account, but they can send a CV to the site as a spontaneous application. Otherwise, you simply complete the short form (including a CV and an optional cover letter) every time you want to apply to a job.

The job offers: There are currently 308 job offers on the site and a handful of internships. Most of the offers involve working directly with children.

Reactivity: --

Special features: the crèche information; the suggested activities for children as well as other advice; the internships; the list of partners; the key figures; testimonials.

Verdict: It’s always nice to have photos of the team and information about the company. Unlike other job boards, the focus isn’t just on jobseekers and recruiters. There are also parents looking for crèches, who can use the site for information.  Clear job offers and an easy application process are definitely a plus.

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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