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FashionUnited Presentation

Site's statement

The most comprehensive online fashion job board with 12,000+ fashion jobs online and active in 20 countries in their local language.

FashionUnited is the independent international B2B fashion network. Globally active, the platform reaches more than 1.6 million industry professionals per month and assists them in making their careers in fashion easier. Visitors can browse their local website, which offers a career center, but also the latest fashion news, trade statistics and an events calendar.

Looking for a job in fashion? is the leading destination for people working in fashion. It is the best place to look for a job ad in the English fashion industry or post your fashion job in the network. At FashionUnited, you can find, among others, part- and full-time jobs and internships in London, Manchester, Cardiff, and Brighton, as well as international fashion jobs, career tips, and more. The Career Center includes jobs in categories such as retail management, sales, marketing, design, creative, supply chain, and international in fashion, making the job board one of the most complete online fashion job boards.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: Present in 35 countries, FashionUnited looks more like a Fashion website than a job board when you first open the page. However, every country has their own job board portal which you can find through the Jobs section at the top of the page. It started in the Netherlands, founded by Lennard Minderhoud 20 years ago. Luxury brands and fashion related industries use the website to recruit. The English platform receives 270 840 views a month and publishes jobs and articles quite regularly. The Instagram account belongs to all 35 countries (with 24 100 followers), as does the Linkedin page (14 697 followers) and the Youtube channel (765 followers). However, the Twitter (43 500) and Facebook (19 686) pages depend on the country.

Design: The homepage is not actually the job portal. You need to find the “jobs” panel at the top of the page and click on “find a job”. The colour scheme is mostly grey, which is a bit dreary and unexpected (the logo and colour scheme changed in 2015). Once on the job page, you can pick a category to start your search or select a known brands from the bottom of the homepage (most of them are hiring). There is no search engine and the filters are limited to keywords, the location and the category (in the job listing). The logo, the company, the job title, the location and a short description are visible for each job offers. The description length varies and the useful information is at the bottom of the page. There are flashing adverts around the screen, but that makes sense for a fashion job board.

The job board objective: FashionUnited aims to make it easy for fashion fanatics to find work in the luxury and retail industry.

Recruiter observations: It’s very easy for recruiters to create an account. The prices are not visible on the website, but you can create your advert, which is then sent off for approval by the team.

Jobseeker observations: Many job offers redirect to a career page. For those that don’t, you can apply without an account. You can create a profile with Linkedin, Facebook or an e-mail address.

The job offers: There are 920 job offers in the UK at the moment. Most of them are in retail management.

Reactivity: --

Special features: The Fashion Education Network; the articles; the newsletter; job alert; the data; the trends; the events; the hundreds of Youtube videos.

Verdict: If you’re calling is to work in fashion, then you should definitely start your job hunt by looking through the job offers on FashionUnited.

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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Additional job board information

Marketing activities

Cooperation with major trade organizations, fashion fairs, fashion schools, and fashion weeks all around the world. Other details cannot be disclosed.

Aggregators &
Media Partners

In the aim of making the fashion industry more efficient and transparent, FashionUnited partners with fashion weeks, trade organizations, fashion trade fairs and fashion events globally.


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