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Exec Appointment Presentation

Site's statement

We are the leading global job board for executive-level positions in both the private and public sectors. With offices in the UK, New York and Dubai, is well placed to offer the best global executive jobs, and has over 515,000 registered users.

Along with recruitment advertising, we offer a range of purpose-built packages to target potential candidates in a specific industry or profession, as well as employer branding solutions, great for aligning your brand with the Financial Times.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: Exec Appointments is a specialist job board attached to the Financial Times. The target audience is anyone from around the world looking for an executive position. In fact, the site has such a global outreach that only 54% of the traffic comes from the UK, and the other 46% comes from a number of different countries. It attracts 89 270 visitors a month, which isn’t bad. On social media, there are 20 800 followers on Twitter and 1 346 on LinkedIn. The jobs are also published in the Financial Times every Thursday according to the site.

Design: As a Madgex job board, the design is very user-friendly. The search engine (keywords, location and radius) is featured at a relatively low level on the homepage, just under an image of business people in front of a skyscrapers. This means users see the image, contact information and different services first. Below, there are three panels (sector, position/level and location) to choose a category and start your job search. The featured companies really are hiring, which is always good news. Articles and featured jobs can also be accessed directly from the homepage. In the job listing, the filters (position, location, responsibilities, sector, salary band, contract type, language and recruiter type) appear on the left-hand side (and include the number of job offers for each category if you are browsing). The salary, logo and publication/expiry date are visible for each offer in the listing. An open job offer has a standard layout, with useful information on the left-hand (which includes expiry dates). There is also a company listing, which displays the logo and number of current job offers. The page layouts are standardised, including a description and a list of job offers.

The job board objective: As a site targeting CEOs, CFOs, Directors and Senior Executives, Exec Appointments must maintain a high level of professionalism for recruiters and jobseekers.

Recruiter observations: Prices are online and recruiters can order through the site almost effortlessly. If you would like something catered to your recruitment needs or if you would like to browse the CV database (of 450 000 CVs), you must contact the team. To create an account, you must indicate your postcode, address and the type of recruiter.

Jobseeker observations: It’s easy to create an account and you can request a CV review.

The job offers: There are currently 457 job offers online. The most popular sectors are Technology, Business Services and Financial Services.

Reactivity: When the team is online, there is a chat window. The team answers very quickly.

Special features: The Twitter feeds; the news (with different sections); CV services (at a price); the Financial Times articles; job alerts; testimonials.

Verdict: The great thing about Exec Appointments is that it has additional visibility through the Financial Times. Not only does it have a global outreach, but offers in a large variety of sectors are available through the site.

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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Part of the Financial Times Career Management Group


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