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DocCheck Jobs Presentation

Site's statement

DocCheck Jobs is the healthcare job board for physicians, pharmacists and other medical professions. We provide advice for employers who are looking for healthcare professionals and support them with targeted recruiting opportunities in the biggest healthcare community.

DocCheck was founded in 1996 with a password system for pharmaceutical websites. Since then the number of registered members increased to more than 1,000,000. Since 2006 DocCheck offers the job board as an additional service for its members. Hospitals and employers in the healthcare system can use the job board to easily target and recruit healthcare professionals. Since 2010 DocCheck Jobs is multilingual and a further extension is planned.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: Founded in 1990 and online since 1996, DocCheck is a company, which specialises in the European healthcare market. The current CEO is Frank Antwerpes and you can find photos of all the staff members (as well as profiles). Only the job section has no https:// security; the rest of the site is slightly more updated. The team is active on social media with 8 583 followers on Twitter (just a stream of job offers), 102 655 on Facebook, 38 600 on Instagram and 232 on LinkedIn. There is also a Xing page. Certain pages have more language options than others do. The site attracts 4.17 million visits a month, but it’s difficult to say how many of them actually check the job listing. According to EasyCounter, there are 8 070 visits a month to the job section.

Design: On the DocCheck homepage, you have a choice between the Felexikon, Shop or Job page. In the job section, you can find information on other services. In the job listing, publication dates are visible but there are no logos. Premium job offers have good branding, including a designer page with images and special fonts. The filters (job title, discipline, field of activity, city, and country) appear on the right-hand side.

The job board objective: DocCheck focuses on creating a network of medical professionals, who can share knowledge with one another. That includes the knowledge of new job opportunities.

Recruiter observations: Recruiters and jobseekers create the same type of account. You can upload a job offer by yourself (you must include the language of the offer: German or English). Other services are also available through the site.

Jobseeker observations: To write on Flexikon, you’ll need to confirm your profession with a certificate. You can apply to jobs without that. If you create an account before browsing the job offers, you will be limited to seeing only the ones, which actually correspond to your job title.

The job offers: There are currently 3 736 job offers on the site, but sometimes only 5 show up;

Reactivity: --

Special features: The cute logo; the pressroom; the Flexikon page (which is sort of like a blog, where you can share your medical knowledge); the shop.

Verdict: DocChecker is an interesting website, but the job board needs some work. With no https:// security on the job page and a changing number of job offers, it can be confusing for both jobseekers and recruiters.

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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Additional job board information

Marketing activities

  • participation at conferences and trade fairs
  • cooperations
  • Mail send-out of regulary job recommendations to passive members, based on area of expertise
  • social media activities
  • competitions
  • various activities to mobilize physicians and other medical professionals who still aren’t activly using the job board


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